"you must be young, how old are you?" Jonathan asked

"I'm 17, so back to my timeline is.. 2003" you said.

" So how's the future?" dio finally spoke.

"there are airplanes, you can go to places further away from you, for example from here to Japan to just some hours, not days, technology has advanced" you said.

The three of you talked some more until you arrived at their house, it was a big house, when you got in there the butlers and maids looked at you weirdly as they took everyone's coats.

"Jonathan, dio, you're back just in time for dinner.... And who's your friend?" a man with the same hair color as Jonathan asked, he also had a mustache.

"father you won't believe it! We'll explain everything at dinner, you'll eat with us right?" Jonathan asked you.

"it would be rude of me to decline" you said and he smiled.

"that's great, now get ready for dinner" the man said and he left

'so that's my grandfather?... Let's see what kind of person he is' you thought

Soon the four of you sat down to eat dinner, it was silent at first until Jonathan's father, George decided to speak.

"so, what's your name dear?" he asked you.

"my name is (y/n), just (y/n) I don't have a last name" you said and he nodded.

"how old are you?" he asked.

"I'm 17 years old, sir" you said and he nodded.

"Jonathan, you said you will explain, please start" George said.

'so far he seems polite' you thought, then Jonathan started explaining everything, George would nod, at the end of the story you decided to speak.

"and that's why I need to find the man immediately so I can go back home" you said and he nodded.

"do you live with your parents?" George asked.

"only with my father, my mother died during childbirth, so it's only me and my father" you said and he nodded.

"your father must be really heartbroken to lose his wife, I understand him, I had to raise my son Jonathan alone since his mother died at an accident when he was an infant" George said.

"yeah, my father was really sad, but he had to be strong for me, also I'm sorry for your loss" you said.

"it's fine dear" he said.

'sorry dad! I had to lie.. Blame it on papa' you thought

"I also wanted to say.... Your clothes are a bit odd" he said

"the years have changed and women can wear whatever they want and are comfortable with" you said and he nodded, there was some silence amongst everyone, the only exception was the forks and knives that were hitting against the plate.

"Jonathan!! Have some manners in front of our guest!" George said.

"I'm so sorry about him, he'll be sent to his room immediately" George said

"oh no, it's fine with me, let him be himself, I have no problem with that" you said.

"but... It's not right for a host to act like that" George said.

"I don't see a problem with his manners, he's just eating a little faster than us, no need to punish him for that, just give him a warning that if he eats fast he might choke" you said

"besides he wasn't rude, he's just being himself, he would be rude if he was treating the guest with disrespect" you said, all of them were a bit stunned.

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