Chapter 19-With A Parlor Broom

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(Picking up where the last chapter left off)

I felt tears start to pool in the corners of my eyes, threatening to stream down my face. My eyes stung as I fought back the tears, forcing a smile. "You make me feel so safe, and happy..thank you," I said quietly before closing my eyes as he slid down off the counter and wrapped his arms around me. He enveloped me and rested his chin on top of my head as he hugged me tight.

"Good," he whispered as he kissed the top of my head. "We can take things as slow as we need to, okay? For now let's just get out of here," he said with a smile, only wincing a little with his busted lip. I nodded in agreement and took his hand as we walked out through the bar and outdoors.

"You guys good?" Mia asked with a concerned look on her face when she saw us. I shrugged and walked towards her as Sam came closer to check out Danny's face.

"Yup, it looks like Jake nailed you a couple of good times," he teased as he tilted Danny's face by his chin. Danny grinned at him before they both burst into a fit of giggles.

"Josh is trying to drag Jake to the ER for his nose, but he kept asking for you..." Mia said with wide eyes before grimacing.

"I don't have any desire to talk to him right now," I said plainly before glancing back towards Danny and smiling when he caught me.

"Understandable..are you okay? I just now remembered Danny had shoved you out of the way at one point," Mia looked me up and down trying to find any signs of injury. I laughed when she grabbed my shoulders and made me spin.

"I think I'm fine," I replied between giggles. "Danny's eye is going to be black tomorrow, though," I added softly before sighing. I hated that he got hurt on my behalf, but it was really kinda sexy seeing him stand up for me. I especially liked being able to take care of him afterwards since he always takes care of me..

Suddenly I felt a hand land gently on my shoulder and squeeze. "Rae, Jakey won't let us leave until he talks to you mind?" Josh whispered softly into my ear. I groaned but nodded and followed him back to their car, only looking over to Danny and giving him a thumbs up to let him know I was okay. He didn't look happy, but he nodded and just watched intently from where he was. I didn't want to talk to Jake, but if this would get him to go away faster, I would power through.

I stood at the back of the car, out of sight, as Josh walked up to the passenger seat. "Josh, I told you, I'm not going until I can talk to her!" Jake said loudly. He wasn't quite yelling, but I could hear his frustration.

"Yeah, I heard you the first five times. She doesn't have to talk to you, but she's right here...behave yourself," Josh said as he shot him a look and motioned for me to come up there. I took a deep breath and took Josh's spot by the open passenger door. Jake quickly jumped out to talk to me. I stepped back to maintain our distance.

"Rae, I'm sorry," he began, and I could see that his nose was clearly broken and shifted to the right with blood still dripping as he held paper towels up to it. "I'm an ass, and I don't know why I'm like this," he said solemnly as his eyes met mine.

"Probably because you're an ass and you don't care about anyone but yourself," I replied with a shrug.

"I think that's been true most of my life, but I care about you.." he said gently as he stepped towards me again. I clenched my jaw and took another step back.

"No," was all I could manage to say. I felt tears stinging my eyes, but it wasn't from hurt or sadness. I was so angry with him. I was angry that he had lured me in a second time, I was angry that he cheated on me, and I was angry that he thought he could just apologize and get me back.

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