Chapter 2-Within Our Dreams

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"Hey, Rae," he whispered as he stepped past me and walked towards the kitchen. He looked so good with his hair grown out and shaggy. He had on a pair of dark wash jeans and a lighter colored denim shirt that he had unbuttoned exposing his toned chest. I glanced over to see his black boots by the door next to his guitar case.

He walked in to the kitchen and yelled, "Sammy! It's about time you graduated! We need you and Danny ready to hit the road soon." Sammy laughed and pulled his older brother into a hug.

"Thanks, Jake," he said with a laugh as he released him. "This is my friend, Mia," he added as he put his arm around her and glanced down at her lovingly.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mia!" Jake said as he took Mia's hand and kissed it gently. He was obviously trying to annoy Sammy, and it was working judging by the look on Sam's face. "Is my little brother treating you well?" He teased as he ruffled Sam's hair and laughed loudly.

"Shut up, Jake!" Sammy said as he shoved Jake playfully and laughed. "Raegan, get over here and make Jake leave me alone," Sammy yelled as I walked in to the kitchen again.

"What do you want me to do with him?" I asked through a bubbly fit of laughter. I looked over at Jake to catch him staring at me. When his eyes met mine, I felt my cheeks burn.

"I can think of a few things," he mumbled with a cheeky grin before I looked away trying to hide my red cheeks.

I rolled my eyes at him and said, "How have you been? How was your first 2 years of college? I haven't heard from you in so long..." I was hoping he noticed my annoyance at his lack of contact with me.

Sammy and I had met sophomore year when we were placed in an honors biology class together, and we bonded quickly over our shared love of sarcasm and animals. He had started to invite me to his house for parties, and I had connected with Jake at the twins' graduation party 2 years ago. I hadn't really even seen him since then because he and Josh, his twin, had spent the summer traveling to network for the band before going to college near Detroit. We had tried to stay in touch, but it didn't really work out.

He chuckled at my tone before saying, "It was good, I mean I'd rather be actually working on music but I can't complain.." I smiled at him smugly, still annoyed. He stepped closer to me, put his arm around me and whispered, "Did my little Rae of sunshine miss me?" I groaned and looked up to see him smiling at me. I hated that he still had this effect over me..

"No," I snapped back shoving him away with a laugh.

"Come on, Mia, let's not risk their dysfunction rubbing off on us," Sammy said as he lead a giggling Mia back upstairs to his room. I rolled my eyes and looked back to Jake.

"You can't ignore me for 2 years then show up calling me your Rae of sunshine..that's not fair," I pleaded as I covered my face with my hands. He gently grabbed my wrists and lowered my hands to my side.

"I know, and I'm sorry..I don't have an excuse for my behavior, Rae," he said softly as he gazed into my eyes.

I shut my eyes tight as he spoke and groaned, "Don't look at me like that.." I heard him giggle, and I peaked to see him grinning from ear to ear.

"Like what?" He purred as he held eye contact and lifted my chin with his index finger. I rolled my eyes and dodged his kiss with a smile causing his lips to land on my cheek instead. He sighed as he smiled at me and bit his lip.

"That's not fair and you know it," I whined as he held his gaze on mine.

"Raegan, I just want you to know that I haven't stopped thinking about you. I know that I messed up, but if you'll let me, I'll gladly make it up to you.." he whispered as he pulled me in close and tucked my hair behind my ear. I knew he wanted to kiss me, and it made me nervous.

Jake always seems too good to be true, and it kind of scared me to be too vulnerable with him. I was glad to know how he felt, but I was still hurt by the time we had spent apart. On the other hand, I had such a great time with Danny last night, and it felt easy...but he left this morning without a word, and I wasn't sure how he felt at all.

"Okay," I said with a sigh. Jake's eyes lit up and he threw his arms around me.

"Okay?" He asked like he couldn't believe me. I giggled at his surprised tone and nodded. "Rae, I promise you won't regret this," he beamed right before he hooked his hand behind my neck and pulled me in for a kiss. His lips sent electricity throughout my body and I could feel my heart start to race. He pulled away with a smile and left me in a daze.

"Raegan? Are you ready to go?" Mia asked as she came down the stairs in her dress from the night before. I giggled when I realized she just announced herself so she wouldn't walk in on anything.

"Yeah," I replied. "I just need to change clothes.." I added as I ran upstairs to look for the clothes I had lost last night. I slipped on my jeans and looked all over Josh's room, but couldn't find my panties or my bandeau top.

"You can wear one of my shirts if you want," Jake said from the doorway as he watched me search. He walked away, returned with an old band shirt, and tossed it my way. "How did you manage to lose your clothes?" He asked with a giggle.

"Do you really want to know?" I asked in a teasing tone as I changed into his shirt and made a mental note to look for my panties the next time I came over.

"Did Danny toss them somewhere crazy when you two were fucking?" Jake asked in an unnervingly calm voice as he stepped into the room with me. I blushed hard and my jaw fell open. I started to ask how he knew, but I was so shook that words wouldn't form. "It's okay, Rae...I don't mind the competition," he said with a wink before stepping closer to close the distance and kiss me again. I hated that it worked, but I was already being sucked back in by Jake and his wickedly charming ways.

Mia said goodbye to Sam and we drove back to my house sneaking past my parents to get to my room. We spent the rest of the day talking about her night with Sammy, my night with Danny, and my afternoon with Jake. Mia was loving the conflicted feelings I had because I'm not normally a relationship girl. I had always been "one of the guys" until Mia and I became friends and she taught me how to dress more girly and wear makeup.

"Danny was amazing, honestly. He was rough in the best way, and I lost count of my orgasms. It was crazy.." I explained when she asked. "I don't remember much about the time with Jake, but he's so fucking hot and charming that I can only assume it's good.." I added.

"Well....Sammy was very intimate, and I had a really good time. We're going out again soon. Will you be doubling with Danny or Jake?" She teased.

"I don't even have Danny's number," I groaned once I realized. "Probably Jake since he's the only one interested in me.." I added with a small laugh.

We did face masks, drinking, hair braiding, and lots of gossip the rest of the evening. Mia fell asleep before me, so I drunkenly sent Jake a text explaining how much I liked him and that I desperately wanted to try to make him happy. He asked if he could take me on a date, and I squealed with joy. The date was going to be Sunday night, and I was thrilled. Jake insisted on keeping it as a surprise, and I hated him and loved him for it.

I'll see you soon, Jakey.

Jakey-I'm so excited, Rae. Truly. I can't wait to make you happy..

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