××Chapter 5××

Start from the beginning

Today august told me He doesn't know what we are an it kinda hurt me to be honest.

I was on my way back to my house and I left my car around the corner from my house  because august said he was picking me up but I didn't  I didn't expect this to happen at all.

My phone started ringing for the 20th time and it was august AGAIN I didn't want to answer it but I couldn't help it.

"What do you want" I asked

"Are you okay Kayla look I'm sorry that question just really hit me"

"Yeah it really hit me too" I said rolling my eyes

"I like you my'kayla okay I just couldn't answer that question because I didn't know how I was feeling about it and I still don't know I just don't feel like I'm ready for a relationship" he said

"Bye august" I said hanging up

I really didn't want to hang up but I felt so hurt I guess when I asked that question I expected a different answer and honestly I felt like I could trust him with my feelings and I didn't think he would ever hurt me and this is exactly why I just don't trust men.

"Kayla" someone said and I turned around to see Quan walking towards me


"You okay.?" He asked

"I'm good"

"Want me to walk you home its gettin dark"

"If you want to"

We started to walk and his phone rang





"On my way" he said into the phone

I looked at him and he slightly smiled

"I gotta go but here" he put a tazer in my hand

I laughed and looked up at him

"What am I suppose to do with this"

"Taze a nigga in they balls"

I laughed and hugged him

"Bye quan" I said walking away

I walked up to my house and august was calling once again


"Are you home.?"

"Yes why do you care"

"Kayla chill the fuck out aight you fuckn trippin" he said and I could tell he was getting frustrated

"Yeah whatever august"

He sucked his teeth," I'm on my way"

"What do you mean your on your way"

"We bout to fix that nut ass attitude of hours" he said then I heard a door closed

I couldn't help but smile because he always does this and he knows just how to make me smile

"Whatever" I said

I sat on my porch and prayed my mom didn't open the door and see me then about 5 minutes I heard Music Bassin down the street and I knew it was august I got up as he pulled in front of my house I hopped in and turned down his music

"Aye why you do that.?" He asked

Then I turned the song to again by fetty WAP

And turned it up then I rolled down my window and started dancing in my seat and singing along.

Then august turned it down

"You still mad at me.?" He asked

"No" I said

"I'm sorry for earlier but im positive that I wanna be with you Kayla"

"Really.?" I asked

"See man can't you just say bang we together fuck" he said

I laughed and put my hand on his leg

"Were together"

"Forreal.?" He asked


"I knew you was gon say dat like who would say no to me" he said laughing

I laughed then I punched him in his arm

"I would say no because you mean" I said pouting

He smiled then he put his hand on my thigh

"I'm glad were together"

"Me too" I said smiling

Ever since Ma'kayla got with august she's been spending more time with him then me and I feel some type of way to be honest

"Bae you got that good pussy" quan said putting his shirt back on

Yeah,,, I lost my virginity to him a few weeks ago and now we just can't stop I feel like he's the best boyfriend I ever had but Ma'kaylas never had a boyfriend so I kind of understand why she hasn't been talking to me you know.?

"I'll see you later, I love you" I said as he was about to jump out my window

"I love you too" he kissed me then he jumped on the roof and then onto the ground I smiled then I closed my window back

This boy gon get me in trouble.

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