18. Embracing

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The three of you shared quietness on the way down to the surface, eager but also terrified to find what awaited you at the bottom.

Upon reaching the bottom surface Salim was the first out of the elevator car, despite being the one who demanded not to go he couldn't help but feel curious. Besides what other choice did he have?

You stood there in the elevator car for a moment with Jason, as Jason didn't dare leave it without you.

"What's on your mind?" He asked you, noticing you hadn't moved from the elevator yet. You looked up at the taller figure beside you. You could almost feel tears swell in your eyes again before you asked the marine something that had been on your mind since before the group got separated.

"Were you really going to shoot her?" You asked the marine, begging to know the answer. Of course he laid his gun down before the Captain shot her himself but you couldn't help but think of why it was taking him so long to do it.

"Jesus, no Y/N!" He told you as his expression dropped. Second guessing this, the look on your face expressed that to him.

"Why were you so quick to point the gun then?". You questioned him, a tear falling from your cheek as you quickly wiped it off embarrassingly.

"Y/N. I was worried she'd come back! Like...Joey. And hurt one of us, and hurt you! We couldn't take the risk but that doesn't mean I wanted to do it". He finished. "I lowered my weapon before that asshole killed her. And you saw me, I was right there against his throat afterwards".

"I couldn't do it". He whispered.

"I know you may think you know me like that after seeing me kill that Shepard back above on the farm. And hearing what Nicky and I were talking about of the checkpoint but that's not me.
I'm not a bad guy". Jason defended himself once more attempting to convince you. It was clear to see that your comment had hurt the marine. Going to speak again he stopped when he noticed your eyes were glistening as if anything he was saying was helping.

The Lieutenant impulsively pulled you into a hug, nervously at first. He moved his hand on the back of your head as you cried into his shoulder. He held you. He couldn't believe he was hugging someone, let alone someone he met today. Or god knows what time it was right? Kolchek had grown unbelievably attached to you, finding himself not only attracted to you. He felt your weight shift into him as if you fully trusted him and embraced his hug. You felt safe in his arms.

"I know we've lost people. But we're going to make it out of here Y/N. I promise". He whispered to your ear, running his hand through your hair that was once a tight braid now loose. You two stood there for a minute, just embracing each other's touch.

"I hate to interrupt you but-". Salims' voice spoke to the two of you, causing Jason to pull away quickly. You wiped the last tear from your eye as the two of you walked toward Salim.

"This journal. It says that the temple was used for sacrifice. When the dry spell hit they sacrificed Akkadians to their Gods, attempting to please them and bring life back into their land". He stated, flipping through the pages mercilessly.

"So?" Jason questioned him ignorantly.

"So, you jarhead, what if these vampires are all of the people that were sacrificed?" He told the two of you.

"Well how would they become vampires then?" You questioned, taking the journal from him and flipping through it, seeing a drawling that looked as if there were people praying toward an eclipse. You studied it before putting it in Jason's pack.

"That, I don't know". Salim answered.

"Come on, lets get a move on it before those things decide they want to take a trip down here". Jason signaled Salim to turn and walk. Jason still had his gun weary of the Iraqi, despite Salim saving him.

Beginning further into the cavern, you stopped to examine what looked like a cocoon. Everything around you were so green and what looked like tiny eggs everywhere. Green vines, roots. Almost like the place was alive.

"This looks like a cocoon. Do you think this is what they come out of?" You asked them as they came as up behind you. "It looked opened up at the top, like something came out of it".

"Smells like formaldehyde". Salim added.

"Since when did you become a scientist?" Jason turned away from the two of you and began back towards where he was headed, uninterested in what you had discovered.

"They don't teach you Americans science in school?" He jabbed at Jason as the two of you followed him, coming to a more open part in the cavern.

"We should stay clear from them". You advised, now worried about what truly was down here.

"Well I wasn't planning on sticking my hand down one of those things". Jason joked.

"There's a skeleton over here". Salim said sternly as the two of you walked over.
"Randolph Hodgson. I remember seeing something about him above us. This must be his journal". You said eagerly picking up the deceased archeologists journal. "This could have some intel!" You opened it to find all of the pages missing from it quickly shooting down your excitement.

"This must be his wife". Salim said, holding a pocket watch, and then placing it back down.

"What the fuck happened here..." Jason mumbled at the two of your discoveries. Your face was starting to get a little sweaty. Not that it was hotter down here, but because you were nervous. How the hell were you going to get out of here? Walking towards a boulder in between an archway of metal the three of you got over it. Salim pushing Jason up, Jason pulling him up and alas the both of them helping you up being easy on your collarbone. You walked towards to find that you were on a platform. A platform that outstretched over an unknown world.

In Arabic: "What the hell is this place?" Salim spoke.

"Yeah what you said". Jason agreed. You couldn't believe what you were seeing. You didn't even know what you were seeing. It looked unreal. Fake almost. Not anything like anything you've seen in your horror movies. It seemed like it out stretched forever, never seeing an end. How in the hell could there be such a big hole in the earth like this?

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