3. The Raid

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"You know on the way to camp slayer, Eric would not shut up about Rachel". Clarice spoke beside you in the helicopter right into your ear. It was hard to hear anyways between the loud sound of the propellers. You let out a small giggle and leaned into her ear to respond.

"It's funny because he never spoke about her until now. Rachel also spoke to me about him while we were awaiting you". You responded in her ear. She smirked to you. It was so nice to be with her again you thought.

"I've never seen him so flustered and awkward before". She added. You both laughed at this. It was true. Eric almost seemed like he had something else on his mind.

"Hey what you ladies giggling about over there?" Merwin shouting, smirked to us.
You turned your attention to him before answering.
"And you care why?" You asked. He shrugged.
"Just trying to make conversation that's all". He replied. Like he wasn't just in my face before we left? You thought.

"Almost like how I made conversation with your mom last night?" Joey said to him. Merwin laughed before turning to the Lance corporal.
"Hey Joey look, your mommas so nasty, I called her for phone sex and now I got a fucking ear infection". Merwin poked back.

"We'll damn, how long you been sitting on that one?" He asked Merwin.
"Awhile but I got a bunch more of those bad boys lined up". He answered. It was now Joeys turn to speak.

"Yeah well that's what your momma said". He answered. You could almost laugh at their careless jokes. But laughing wouldn't be very professional of you, especially with your corporal on board.

"You two want to cut the bullshit and focus on the mission?" Racheal snapped, ending the laughter between the two boys.
"Hey! Only one place I let a woman boss me around like that and that's between the sheets". Merwin snapped back.

"I'm surprised your mom lets women into your bedroom... wouldn't want her getting jealous now". Rachel added. You laughed at this, Clarice joining in, and finally Joey.
"Well damn Rachel". Joey snickered.

Lieutenant Kolchek remained silent as did your corporal King. Above in the passenger it was clear Nick did not hear the conversation and even seemed to be in his own world. Kolchek noticed this, and advanced moving towards him to check on him. You watched that and then focused back to the group that was among you, high-fiving Rachel relieving another laugh. You were starting to feel comfortable as the uneasy feeling was leaving your stomach.

"Hey! Fuck y'all laughing at?" Merwin snapped at us. You laughed and shrugged.

"You get used to laughing like that I bet". Merwin looked at you. Just then Jason had sat back down with a different look on his face than before. You weren't quite sure how to describe it. It was near unreadable and all you could question was what him and Nick were talking about.

"Hey, you there?" Merwin snapped with his pointer finger towards you yet a couple feet away, catching you staring at the First Lieutenant. You turned toward him. You realized you had started at Jason for moments before turning back toward Merwin.

"What's life if you can't have a good laugh". You really wanted to put this unnecessary aggression between you two aside.

"Oh sweetheart I'm sure you could make you laugh in multiple ways". He started. You began to open your mouth before Jason spoke.
"Merwin shut the fuck up and focus on the mission you hear me?" He half-shouted. Merwin then began silent.

As the rest of the ride was silent. You couldn't believe how far disrespected you have came to feel? You were a higher rank than Merwin of course. But that didn't seem to matter to the marine as he viewed you as only a Space Force Op. All of these marines seemed classless and childish. You couldn't help but think. You couldn't help that think you could've been so wrong to want to meet with the other branches of immediate military.

The helicopter had touched down and the marines had gathered themselves into formation on the floor. Rachel, Eric, Clarice and you stayed on the helicopter until the marines had the perimeter locked down. Rachel speaking Arabic to the what you believed were civilians below, giving them orders. Landing in a small farm, the rest of you had climbed out.

"Nothing located yet sir. If there's something here it's very well damn hidden". Jason walked to the bunch of you, signaling to Eric.

"If there's something?" You questioned the Lieutenant. He looked at you briefly before transferring his attention to the Corporal again.

"We're still to investigate. But we will find it". He spoke to Eric.
"No dead hostiles and the place is secured. Good work Lieutenant". Eric patted his shoulder.

"Thank you Sir. Rachel the hostels are ready for questioning inside". He spoke to her. Her and Eric took off toward the closest hut. You grabbed Jason's arm once as he was following them. Clarice had already walked away outside one of the huts.

"What the fuck is your problem with me? Just because I made the mistake of thinking I was your superior doesn't mean you get to treat me like shit". You snapped. Jason had shrugged your arm off before looking you in the eyes. He stepped closer until your bodies were almost touching.

"Listen ma'am. I have no problem with you". He started to exclaim to you.
"You have avoided speaking to me ever since Rachel has introduced me to this squad. I could care less about what you think about my rank, my branch, but me? As a person? You will respect". You snapped at him. He lifted his hands in defense until you both were interrupted by Nick.

"Jason there's nothing fucking here man. This plan is a bust". He walked up to the two of you. Jason glanced to you before he spoke to his sergeant.

"We have to keep searching. Turn this place inside out". He answered, following behind Nick into the hut.

Clarice walked up to you.
"What was that about?" She laughed.
"They think this place is a bust". You rolled your eyes. It was quiet between you two before she spoke.
"The one with the grey cap is pretty cute right? He looks like your type?" She nudged you. You nudged her back and laughed.
"Quit it. And he's definitely not my type. Too cocky for my liking". You answered.

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