5. Underworld

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You were alone. It was much cooler down here. But that was the least of your worries. You got up on your hands and knees and observed the area you were in. You were still clutching Joeys gift. Putting it in your pocket as you got up. Your body ached. Where the hell were you? You had reached your stance and switching on the light to your ear as well as your mic.

"Hello? Does anyone copy?" You questioned. Nothing.
"Colonel? Marines? Rachel? Clarice?" You shouted into your mic but was greeted once again with silence.

Taking out your pistol you switched the light on it on as well and observed your surroundings. You were in a cave. You began fourth towards a smaller section of the cave and to your surprise it kept going. So you followed it. You were getting and even more uneasy feeling than you did back at camp slayer, this reminding you just now of Joey. That you had just witnessed someone die, bringing you back to the gunfire. How did you get ambushed, were they watching you? And the huts, the farm, the civilians, well that weren't anything more than common thugs. How could you and Eric be so wrong?

A clicking noise down the cave made you stiffen from your thoughts. You focused the gun in front of you holding it out. In the light you could make out an uncomfortable structure of something that was alive. Breathing. This wasn't one of your comrades, no this was something unidentified. Pointing your gun at it the light flashed at it and it turned to you. Then jumped away quickly above the cave.
What the hell was that?
You continued your way through the opening of the tunnel, jumping down. You were met with a stone structure with doors into it. A giant stone of something you couldn't quite make out but you were sure it was ancient. You heard Nicks voice in your mic asking if anyone copied.

"Nick". You sighed in relief.
"Sargent Dutton, what is your position". He questioned. You could see light coming from one of the other caves that led to you.
"Just keep coming that way I can see your light". You responded.

To your surprise Jason was with him as well, and neither of them looked beat up. You sighed in relief as you embraced their presence, letting your pistol come back to your side.

"You okay?" Jason pointed to your face. Questioning this you had touched your cheek to find it was bleeding. Yet it wasn't bad and you didn't even feel it.

"Yeah. Must've happened from the fall. What about you guys?" You asked them.
"We need to find a way to get out of here". Nick stated, walking towards the set of doors you noticed earlier. You followed them in silence.
"Jason come give me a hand with these doors". Nick called for him.

"What you been skipping the gym?" Jason joked and walked over, the two men struggled to push the ancient doors open. You stood there in silence. They got the doors open and began to walk but noticed you standing there.

"Come on Y/N unless you want to stay trapped in this hole". Jason ordered you.

"I saw something". You finally confessed, walking up to them slowly.

"Fuck you mean you saw something?" Jason exclaimed.
"I mean it wasn't human. In the tunnel". You replied, desperately trying to prove yourself.

"We should've never gotten off that helo". Nick added in. Jason turned to him.
"I knew you weren't fucking ready for this". Jason shouted. You were perplexed on Jason's sudden anger shift even after cracking a joke with Nick only minutes ago.
"I swear to God". Nick started.
"Do not get God involved in this bullshit. You pull yourself together before you get us all killed. This place is still crawling with Iraqis". Jason snapped at him. Nick stared back at him in silence. You could almost feel the awkwardness. You finally spoke to them.

"You've gotta believe me. I shined my light on it and it jumped into the top of the tunnel".
"No you believe this sergeant, you didn't see shit". Jason yelled at you once more. He was starting to get on your nerves. A loud yell at came further down the place you had just opened the doors to. Nick and Jason looking at each other.
"That's Merwin". Nick said, and they took off, as did you.

Merwin was hanging by barbed wire from where he fell through the earth. Clarice was there too, trying to cut him down. He wouldn't stop yelling in pain.

"Jesus I'm trying will you stop squirming around". She panicked. You three ran up to Merwin.

"Holy". Nick started, cutting him down. Merwin dropped and the four of you had gathered around him. Blood was everywhere. You had already witnessed Joeys death but this... this was something else.

"It's bad, he's bleeding out". Clarice said, standing up to look at Jason. Jason and Nick bent down to him.
"Oh he's fucked he's so fucked". Jason murmured.
"You don't think... I can hear you". Merwin said between breaths.

You had never seen so much blood in your life. The sight making you queazy.
"There's morphine in my pack". Nick said signaling to you, and immediately you started searching through his pack.
"Hurry the hell up". Clarice shouted.
"Clarice keep look out okay?" You told her.
"Lookout for what?" She asked, stepping back.
"Jesus who the hell loaded these packs?" You frantically were searching for the morphine. Hearing Merwins coughs through his own blood almost distracting you from finding what you wanted. At last you found it.

Suddenly Clarice was grabbed into the darkness, as she let out a small yell and there was that same clicking afterwards. You took out your pistol quickly and shined it at the darkness.
"What the fuck just happened". You stood in shock. Clarice had just disappeared. Like that.

Jason grabbed your arm and turned you around.
"Sgt. Dutton I need you here with me right now". He said, taking the morphine from your hand, and going back to Merwin.

"Clarice?". You spoke to the darkness softly.
A loud screech answered you and you widened your eyes in fear.

"What the fuck was that". Merwin cried.
"We need to get the fuck out of here now". You yelled at them, as they were already picking Merwin up to drag him. The four of you were running now, Nick and Jason dragging Merwin, you picking up the back. His blood trail was almost sickening. Merwin wouldn't stop shouting. You four traveled into one of the caves for a distance, as the loud screeches of god knows what continued. Nick stopped abruptly.

"He's bleeding out we have to take care of this now!". Nick shouted. Jason blent down to him and Nick held Merwins mouth closed. You stood there in panic with your pistol yet aimed at way you just came from.

"Whatever's out there he's bringing them down on us". You shouted at them.
"Do it, Jason hurry!". Nick shouted once more. You turned around to see Jason finally plucking him with the morphine. One of the creatures had jumped to the top of the tunnel and was looking over you. You didn't even have time to understand what it was you started shooting rapidly with your pistol until you were out, the boys already dragging Merwin away, then you ran after them. You came to a taller part of the tunnel and hid. You could hear the footprints of the monster searching for you. Holding your breath in your heart was pumping insanely fast. Minutes passed before you stopped hearing the sound of clicking and you inhaled deeply, walking to the other side. Jason, Nick and Merwin up against the large rock that separated the cave room. Merwin was passed out. You reloaded you pistol.

"Morphines kicked in". Nick nodded to you.
"We need to keep going, put as much distance between that thing, and us". You took initiative. Jason nodded in agreement with you, picking Merwin up on his back. The four of you headed deeper into the tunnel. Despite everything that just happened, all you could think about is Clarice.

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