12. An Alliance

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    You slid down beside Eric. You could feel the warm flow of blood from your cheek. The cut from the fall must've reopened when you were struggling with Joey. The others close by the tent. It was time to take a breather while Merwin got the radio working. You were safe from the monsters for the moment.

Unaware you had other company.

You looked at him beside you, his face in his hands. You observed the broken man. You knew exactly what he was thinking about, and you couldn't help but feel those emotions yourself. Had had so much stress on his shoulders. The watch on his wrist had been smashed but he remained untouched, surprisingly. The colonel had taken a beaten mentally. 

"Eric, you okay?" You put a hand on his arm, causing him to look at you. You once again referred to him as his first name.

"I can't stop thinking about Rachel". He responded meekly. Nick turned to the two of you of the mention of Rachel and met eyes with you before turning back to Jason and Merwin. You bit your lip. Of course your Colonel deserved to know but now just wasn't the time, especially since he was still grieving her.

"I know that what the two of us had wasn't perfect. But once I walked into camp slayer, as soon as I laid eyes on her again I just". He stopped as his eyes began to water.

"Hey hey hey, it's alright". You comforted him. You had never seen the colonel in such a weak state it almost broke your heart.

"I wanted to apologize to her. I wanted to fix things. But she didn't seem interested. She told me she moved on and that I should too but I can't. She's my wife. The love of my life".

"Was". He corrected himself. Unsure of how to respond, you just nodded and listened.

"What about you?" He asked suddenly noticing your quietness.

"What about me?" You asked.

"What's on your mind?" A lot of things were on your mind to be exact. Rachel falling, Joey dying, coming back to life and trying to kill you, and then dying again. The monsters and what the hell they were. Salim. You wondered how he was doing and if he was going to come back to shoot you. Jason. And what the hell the feeling was you were getting around him. You didn't have time for that. But mostly you were still thinking about Clarice. How she got snatched from you. How you didn't even get to catch up with her between camp slayer and this pit.

"Just worried about getting out of here". You lied. Another moment of quietness passed before the Lieutenant Colonel spoke.

"I should've never brought her here". He read your mind. You nodded getting up as Nick and Jason walked down the steps again away from Merwin. In fact you did want to speak to Merwin, curious about his disappearing and reappearing.

"How's it going?" You asked him.
"Piece of shit is more difficult than my ex wife". He joked. You shared a pity laugh and dug your hands into your butt pockets.

"What the hell happened to you?" You asked.
"One of those things came and took me, dropped me off somewhere, so I mangled myself back. Takes more than just that to kill a marine". He replied quickly. You listened before turning back to the camp he grabbed your arm.

"I saw the way you stared at Jason in that helo". He stated suddenly. You nearly blushed at this.

"He had a worried expression on his face so I was trying to read him, that's all". Merwin cracked a laugh before answering. "Y/N, I may be an asshole but I am not dumb, You know Jason even-" He started before the radio let out a horrendous sound. The sound of LOUD crackling static. Surely loud enough to be heard all over the temple.
"Merwin turn that fucking thing off!" Jason shouted as him and Nick came running back up. Merwin began fighting with the radio quickly, trying everything, he then began to shake it.

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