Chapter Seven || 화 7

Start from the beginning

While Taehyung might have forgotten a certain someone, there was someone who couldn't forget him. The Jeon Juugkook's once, peaceful playboy life was now full of chaos and blue balls all thanks to one man, Kim Taehyung. Jung Kook's life before meeting the beautiful male was filled with once in awhile horny one night stands. After the betrayal of Jeon, no Lee Lily, Jungkook believed in sex without strings attached and one night stands provided just that. He never really believed in relationships to be honest. He only wanted to try once with Lily but he failed miserably. Hence he decided to never ever get into a relationship. Now don't paint Jungkook as a pitiful person. His life was anything but sad. Jungkook was happy with being a single dad with his occasional one night stands with equally horny men and women in random hotel rooms. But his once lovely carefree life has been painfully interrupted by Taehyung.

Jungkook blames his sassy, fearless attitude for his infatuation with him. His attitude challenges his inner dominant demons. If you haven't guessed it till now, Jungkook loves to be in control and dominate people. He loves the feeling of fear its addicting to him when others are afraid of him. But Taehyung, he came as a Tsunami and destroyed his peaceful life. The said guy didn't fear him ticked Jungkook's nerve badly. He wanted to show the brunette his dominant self.

On top of the little power play issue Jungkook was dealing with, it didn't help that the thoughts of the said brunette entered Jungkook's mind without his permission. Jungkook would often day dream about the beauty. His glowing skin, grey sparkly eyes, boxy smile, plum lips, his soft curls that decorated his head like a crown. Everything of the brunette was tempting and enchanting. Jungkook may have dreamt a few wet dreams about the said male.

Did Jungkook felt guilty for having wet dreams about the said male? Nope, not all, I mean have you seen the male? Jungkook rationalised his wet dreams as him being horny because of the male's visuals and brushed off the topic like nothing. But things started escalating when Taehyung's thoughts entered hid bedroom. In the past weeks, once when Jungkook was balls deep in one of his nightstands, he suddenly imagined his nightstand as Taehyung. He even moaned Taehyung's name while catching his release. His partner was furious, he immediately pushed Jungkook away, picked his clothes and left. Leaving a shocked, bothered and most importantly blue balled Jungkook. Since then he had multiple such "accident." Jungkook was getting frustrated. He needed his peaceful and carefree life back. He thought of multiple ways to delete thought of Taehyung from his brain. Flash news, he wasn't really successful. He really wanted a nice solution for his troubles.

Aside from his personal problems, Jungkook as a dad was happy. He noticed that both of his angels have been quite happy the past weeks. He noticed how his Sae woke up cheerful, she has been so bubbly lately. She is always super excited to go to her school. He thought the maybe because of his threats and last warnings to the school's Principal his daughter was looked after well and was given a good treatment. He had a smug smile on his face, he was proud that again his power brought smiles on his daughter's face. Even Bami has been more cheerful and himself lately. He had small smile on his face and eyes shining with glee. He noticed how both of his kids looked healthier than before. Both now had glowing skin and fuller cheeks. He thought that maybe the newly hired chef was the reason behind this positive change. He thought of giving him a raise.

Now who would tell him how wrong he is. The reason behind his kids' smiles and healthy physique was not his power nor his chef rather the same Tsunami, named Kim Taehyung, who interrupted his peaceful mind and life.

🎉 Happy Birthday dear lil meow meow 🎉

💜🐱💜🎉 Happy Birthday dear lil meow meow 🎉

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The cake is so cute lol 😆

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The cake is so cute lol 😆

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