Chapter 24

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What kinda dumb fool is this? Like so weak? Damn! I didn't think about it. Just a crack in hand and he is unconscious.
I chuckled while somehow managing to make him lie down on the back seat of the car.

After that, I sat in the driver seat and looked at him. Damn! His face reflects of the devil, but is he really the devil or a stupid fool?
I couldn't help but laugh looking at him.

I took out my phone and made a call.
"Listen, you," I uttered as soon as the call was picked.
"Yes ma'am?" My man replied.
"Do one thing. Prepare for the grand welcome. I got fresh meat this time," I ordered him and hung up the call.

"Oh! Dear fresh meat! You're going to enjoy like someone who is scared of heights and speed is riding a roller coaster today. You're going to love it," I chuckled as I turned on the ignition and drove the car.


I was sitting beside the mandap the moment Rudraneel arrived there with Milan. I looked at both of them, Milan was smiling and accompanying Rudraneel and that pinched me.

Both of them came and stood in front of me while I looked at Rudraneel.
"Shall we proceed with the wedding rituals?" He asked.
"No," I responded.
"Why so?" He asked.
"I think I had asked you something regarding some papers," I replied.

My replies were blunt and I didn't show a bit of expression on my face although I was breaking from inside.

"Like seriously?" He scoffed.
I didn't reply to him, instead, I looked in the other direction.

I could hear Rudraneel's frustrated breathing but I didn't budge.
"Bring those papers," he ordered one of his men and I sighed, thinking that my future might be secured to a single bit.

Someone brought the papers and handed them over to me. I took the papers and had a look at them. I took my time to read every line, every clause that had been mentioned and when I was done, I turned towards Rudraneel.

"Now, shall we proceed?" He spoke in a frustrating tone.
While I didn't reply, I just nodded slightly.

Noticing my nod, Rudraneel walked and sat on the mandap, while I helplessly followed him and sat beside him. The next moment, Pandit Ji started chanting the mantras.

As I heard those mantras, my heart ached badly as I was reminded of my past.

I looked at myself in the mirror, a simple bridal attire with minimalistic jewellery. But even after that, I was looking like the most radiant and gorgeous bride I had ever seen. And why shouldn't I? I was happiest because I was getting married to the man I love. That smile wasn't going to vanish anytime soon, as I walked towards the mandap, where Mukul was sitting and waiting for me with a welcoming smile.

The moment I saw him, I blushed like a kid as I walked towards him. I took baby steps, although deep in my heart, I wanted to run as fast as I could and sit beside him and ask the Pandit Ji to get done with the wedding fast. But, I had to be the most graceful bride anyone would ever see.

As I walked and sat beside Mukul in the mandap, my heart started beating rapidly and I started to feel nervous. I looked at Mukul who was staring at me, and at that time, the entire world faded in front of us and time stopped. Both of us had tears of joy in our eyes as we were going to be one. We wanted the moment when we exchanged those stares to never end.

Also, who would want it to end and why? Looking at the person you love for eternity, it's something so beautiful and so perfect on its own that nothing can match its purity.

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