chapter six

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Virgil's POV

After Logan and I get all my things together he walks me out to the car, gently pushing the kittens back with his foot when they try to run out the door behind us, they meow a little bit and Logan looks back to realize he forgot to put food in their bowl "I'm sorry Virgil, here go ahead and get in the car, I gotta feed the girls" Logan hands me the car keys then I go to unlock the car and wait.

Logan comes out a minute or two later and is looking for his keys to lock the house then face palms when he remembers he gave me the keys, he then just opens the door again and twists the knob locked and he shuts the door, making sure it's locked then he come to the car and gets in the drivers side "I'm sorry, I forgot I moved their food so it took a minute to remember where I put it, are you ready to go?" I laugh a little at his antics and then just nod slightly. At that Logan turns the key and goes to pull out of the driveway.

We arrive at the restaurant relatively quickly but then again I also took a nap in the car and when we got there Logan woke me, I just groaned and sat up slightly and stretched my legs as I got out of the car, using my crutches to stand up "what do you wanna get from here?" I look at Logan "I'm not sure, I'll probably get something small though,maybe just some eggs and bacon" Logan doesn't respond, he just smiles and helps me and little to the door, I feel my shirt get heavy and I realize that the spots in my back have opened up again and I get a little wozy from the amount already in my shirt, Logan had quickly noticed since his hand was supporting my back, he then just straight (gae) up picked me up and quickly brought me to the hospital.

I still feel a bit dizzy, I try to put pressure on the cuts by pressing my back against the chair slightly but it doesn't help much, I look at the front desk and see Logan talking to the nurse at the station, though I can't hear what they are saying since I'm a bit to far away to hear their whispering, I slightly jump when I hear Logan's fist hit the desk roughly, I could tell he was mad because he got a little louder, the nurse looked a bit nervous when Logan was showing his hand that was covered in my blood and he just put his hands up then told Logan something that calmed him a little, Logan then came back over to me with paper work in hand "do you think you can fill this out or do you need me to?" I just groan, like, paper work, now of all times? I take a deep breath and grab the clipboard and pen and try to focus my eyes a bit, Logan noticed what I was doing so he just took the clipboard and pen from me and started to ask the question he didn't know and answer the ones he did know.

After filling in all the paperwork Logan gave it to the nurse and then told me he was going to the bathroom to wash his hands since he had dried blood on one, I just nod at him and Logan nods back and goes to the bathroom. A minute or two he comes back and we then sit there and wait, the emergency room was quite busy, I ended up falling asleep on Logan's shoulder and he just sat there messaging someone, I didn't pay attention to the contact.

I wake up to the sound of my name being called and me being helped to my feet by Logan, Logan helped me to the back area where they check your weight and height and stuff like that, it only takes a few minutes so I'm not to worried about it, then me and Logan are brought back into a room. Logan helps me sit on the examination table and then sits down on a chair not far from the table, I shiver a little, I never liked doctor's offices, they were always so cold and scared me because of all the tools, and as of right now I don't even have a jacket, I'm in a short sleeve t-shirt and ripped jeans, so what I'm saying is, I'm cold, and I think Logan noticed because he moved the chair closer to me then put his jacket around my shoulders, he offers his hand to me while he looks down at his phone about some news article, I gently take his hand and hold it as I use my other hand to wrap his jacket around me better.

Right as the doctor walked in I shook slightly, as I said before I never liked coming to the doctor, Logan noticed and looks at me giving me a reassuring smile and a little squeeze of my hand. "Hello, Virgil, I'm Dr. Ann I'll be helping you out today, what seems to be the problem?" The doctor sits in her little roller chair and rolls closer to me, I just sit there and look at Logan silently asking for him to talk for me, he gets what I'm trying to say so he does it "I apologize Dr. Ann, Virgil is not a fan of the hospital, but what happened was-" Logan cut off his sentence and looks at me for a moment, silently asking if he should lie, I just shrug so Logan takes it as a yes, so he continues with his sentence "what has happened is Virgil has been in a horrible accident yesterday and his stitches came loose" Dr. Ann just nods and writes down what happened "now how did your stitches come undone?" She asked softly "well we were going to get breakfast and I guess him moving around too much made them come loose" Logan said glancing at me and I nodded slightly as I then winced when I felt my shirt rub against the opened cuts "alright then, let's get you checked out then" the doctor said with a smile as she set her clipboard down.

After she checked what was wrong and what caused the sitiches to break she then helped me to go get them fixed and tightened, after she did that she said I was good to go so I quickly stood with the help of my crutches and Logan, after that I was quick to try and leave, so I got checked out of the hospital and was met by seeing a certain dark purple corvette near the main entrance and my eyes widened, Logan was quick to notice the car as well, it was Vincent's car he payed so much money for on customizations so it was hard to miss it, when I saw his car however I was quick to try and hop towards Logan's car with my crutches only to feel a hand grip my shoulder quickly after I heard a door slam shut.

Hey! It's been a long time since I've updated this story, if there is any things you'd like to add or something of the sort, this story is one of my personal favourite stories

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⏰ Última actualización: Sep 15, 2023 ⏰

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