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" Jee Mama, I'll ask Kaif for permission" Huzaifaa winced sensing a headache coming on.

" Yes ofcourse I like her Mama..."

" I've hardly ever seen her after that one time and...yes...jee..." He sighed and sat down on a chair in the hallway, the pacing around seemed to have increased the pain in his forehead.

" It's just that she seems a bit closed off and I'm not judging her by that but maybe it was just a silly infatuation on my part" he revealed what he had been suspecting all along and heard his mother gasp from the other end.

"...khoteyaa, is this the time to tell me this? Now that I've officially sent a rishta for her!" He heard his mother yelling and had to keep the receiver away from his ears if he didn't want to be deaf so soon.

Huzaifaa frowned hearing his mother rant on and on about his insensitivity and delay about trivial matters such as these and he sighed because she was right.

" Alright I'll take her out this once and let's see if there's something to explore here. But I'm warning you Mama, I'll call it off if there's no compatibility between us" he conceded and heard his mother sniff.

" Taiba is not the last girl in the world Mama! If not her then it's not like I'm going to die alone!...pcch! No Mama I'm sorry...of course death is not to be talked about so lightly...no...yes, yes...jee" he agreed to everything she said from the other side and suddenly was interrupted by a tap on his shoulder.

A grinning face greeted him and he chuckled seeing the maniac smiling so excitedly at him, jumping from one foot to the other.

" I've got to go Mama, I'll call you later. Allah Hafiz" he spoke softly when he heard giggles from behind him.

" I'm not with a girl Mama" he replied when his Mama questioned about the female laughter in his background but hit his head almost immediately when he heard the GIRL gasp.

" I mean I am but she's a colleague...yes yes I'll call Taiba. Love you too and tell Baba my salaam" he ended the call hastily and turned around to see a frowning maniac now instead of the grinning one.

" I'm not a girl?" Manaahil raised her eyebrows at him and he rolled his eyes at her question.

" You know what I meant" he shrugged and it was her turn to roll her eyes now.

" And Taiba huh? Am I hearing wedding bells Mr Huzaifaa?" She wiggled her eyebrows comically, her amber eyes shining with mischief and Huzaifaa found himself lost in the golden pools of perfection.

They were shining so bright that he could easily lose himself in them and if he looked close enough, he could swear that there's a hint of grey in those liquid gold pools!

Ma Sha Allah!

And then Huzaifaa caught himself going down the wrong track and reprimanded himself immediately.


" Why don't we concentrate on getting you out of your wedding shenanigans rather than planning my nuptials?" He told her rudely and saw her face hardening at his tone.

" As if I was interested in attending your wedding. Allah hi khair karein ab uss bechaari ki joh aap jaise nihaayti bore insaan se nikaah karegi" she scowled at him and he just scoffed.

" Let's get back to work, shall we?" He smiled tightly at her and she walked off without even giving him a reply.

Huzaifaa rubbed his head yet again. Between his mother and this Princess Ghaazi here, he sure would go mad by the end of the day!

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