IWA Global Championship: Loki vs Spongebob

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Match Linked on YouTube

This match is on the NateDawg_Express YouTube channel. It is titled "IWA Emission's Vengeance: Global Championship Match." It is the most recent video as of April 18th, 2022 until I link this story to my YT audience.

Match Link:

Backstage, Robotnik is staring at the TV Screen, Agent Stone beside him.

Robotnik: Agent Stone, move my dentist appointment to Monday.

Stone: Going after the Sponge, Doctor? I encourage you to wear your new gear...I made a few "adjustments" to it.

Robotnik: Winners take any and all opportunities they have to stake their claim and get what they deserve. I deserve to be Global Champion. Not that pale elf, not that humanized speck of Mustard, ME. And you Stone?

Stone suddenly looks excited.

Stone: Can I manage you? Imagine how good we'd look together.

Robotnik: There is no need to ask. The mindless sheeple ask the obvious. You will join me and we will build this Eggman Empire from scratch!

He dramatically raises his fists into the air.

Robotnik: I will squish everyone like the pissants they are!

Footsteps are heard, as Stone and Robotnik turn around to see Jack Sparrow.

Sparrow: YOU are going to be the next Global Champion? I've met sea turtles more threatenin' than you, mate.

Robotnik and Stone look at each other..and burst out into laughter.

Robotnik: YOU are going to step over me in line? You must be mistaken, Red Lobster is around the corner from here, go eat fish and talk about "THE BLOOY TREASAH" ok?

Sparrow: They call you a doctor? You look like an opioid addict.

Stone: The Doctor doesn't need opiates to look good.

Robotnik: You aren't on my level, Jackson. How about you get in line behind me like you will for your whole career?

Sparrow: *laughing* You've got to be kidding. I know Doctor Roblox isn't telling me I'll fall behind him. I used my smarts and timing to defeat Sweet Tooth. Sweets would walk into that dumpy truck, and cream you!

Stone and Robotnik gasps.

Stone: Did he just—

Robotnik: You shouldn't use such inappropriate language. The 4 year olds that watch you would break down!

Robotnik snarls in disgust.

Robotnik: Your fan base is filled with toddlers. You are just child's play though...Agent Stone.

Stone: Yes, Doctor?

Robotnik: Calculate how much time I'm wasting talking to this blubbering bafoon.

Stone: All of it.

Sparrow: Oh yeah?

Their conversation is interrupted, as Solid Snake walks into frame. Robotnik looks annoyed.


Snake: Why are you two arguing over who goes first? Just challenge him like I will.

Sparrow: My bad, I was just stopping Doctor Mike from making an ASS OUT OF HIMSELF.

Robotnik: HA-HA-HA! You are just as funny as your fourth and fifth movies!

Sparrow: You aren't funny at all. What are you going to do? Use big words to sound smart? Or prove it.

Snake groans beside them.

Snake: This is ridiculous—


Sparrow: It's "you're."

Robotnik screams with his mouth closed, as Snake begins to speak again.

Snake: Neither of you would be worked up if you JUST challenged him.

Stone is confused.

Stone: Why does he care anyway?

Snake: I was supposed to have an interview here but your argument put it on hold.

Stone: So you want to play "Dad."

Snake: NO, I was going to challenge for the Global Championship.

Snake turns to the camera...as Stone, Robotnik, and Sparrow stare at him from behind.

Snake: Spongebob, this isn't over. The Snake that stood toe to toe with Thanos is here to stay. If you accept my challenge, I'd enjoy what time with that title you have left...

Snake turns around to the three.

Snake: Simple.

Robotnik unleashes uncomfortable laughter, while Stone looks stone cold.

Stone: Now Doctor?

Stone punches Sparrow, and Robotnik tackles down Snake! The two hammer away on their enemies.

Stone gets Sparrow to his feet, and delivers a DDT on the bare floor! Snake meanwhile is showing a bit of fight, delivering uppercuts to the Doctor!

Stone however blasts Snake from behind, as he and Robotnik stomp away on Snake!

They are stopped as Sparrow starts to get up..and Spongebob runs in with his Global Championship in tow!

Robotnik: It's a numbers disadvantage Stone! Escape plan!

Stone and Robotnik run off, as the Sponge, Snake, and Sparrow are on their feet.

Spongebob: Are you two ok?

The Global title scene is coming together!

Up Next: (c) Deathstroke vs Kano for the IWA Worldwide Championship

IWA Emission Presents: VengeanceHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin