"¡Jajajaja! ¡Buena idea!

John: "¡Le chupé las tetas a mi abuela cuando era niña! That's the only Spanish I know. Not sure what it means, but I memorized it off a TV show once."

Guard: "Okay, listen American pendejos. You give us money. Many money. And we forget this ever happen. And we letchu go. Easy as lemôn, ey?"

Slacker: "I'm sorry but we don't have any cash on us, as of this moment. Maybe you can, gimme your address and I can, send the cash your way later."

The guard shot the balls off the monkey.
The monkey screamed in pain and fell to the ground bleeding.

Slacker: "Monkey no! You assholes! I loved that monkey!"

John: "Way to ruin the mood, guys."

Guard: "Argh! Don't play with me, Americanos! You think you can play me, huh? I want my money inmediatamente!"

John: "We already told you, we don't have any money!"

Guard: "Then you go to jail!"

John: "Alright, enough of this shit."

John pulled his gun on the guard and shot him straight between the eyes.

John: "Run mothafucka! Run!"

Slacker got up from over the monkey's corpse and started running behind John.

Other Guard: "You American putas! Run after that son of bitch! Catch him! Catch him! ¡Los vamos a matar pedazos de mierda americanos! ¡Después de ellos! ¡Después de ellos! ¡Dispara a esas perras americanas! ¡Batir la mierda de ellos!"

They ran through the streets of Rio as fast as they could.
Someone's radio was playing so loudly that the music echoed through the streets.

♪Yo estaba en un vacilón♪
♪Yo estaba en un vacilón♪
♪Fui a ver lo que sucedía...♪

♪Cuando ya me divertía♪
♪Y empezaba a vacilar♪
♪No sé de dónde una voz vine a escuchar♪

♪Qué expresión tiene tu rostro♪
♪Se refleja la alegría...♪
♪Y está rodeado de tanta hipocresía♪
♪Es El Nazareno♪

♪Que te da consejos buenos♪
♪A quién, no mires a quién♪
♪Dale la mano al caído y si acaso♪
♪Bien malo ha sido, dale la mano también♪

♪Hazle bien a tus amigos♪
♪Y ofréceles tu amistad♪
♪Y verás que a ti lo malo♪
♪Nunca se te acercará♪
♪En cambio todo lo bueno♪
♪Contigo siempre estará♪

Slacker: "Y'know, ever since I met that monkey in that zoo in... probably Paris, I knew that he was the one and only monkey for me. He had the smile of an angel. And a fart that smelled like a ten year old rotten egg inside of an unwashed thirty year old sock worn by one of Phil Collins' sex slaves down in his basement. *sobs*"

He said as he cried and ran.

John: "Oh... my stomach! I think I really shit my pants this time. Whatever man! Boo fucking hoo! Just shut up and run! They're catching up to us! ...Wait, what was that about Phil Collins?"

♪El Nazareno me dijo♪
♪Que cuidará a mis amigos♪
♪Me dijo, me dijo que había mucho bueno conmigo♪
♪Y mucho malo también, me dijo♪

♪El Nazareno me dijo♪
♪Que cuidará a mis amigos♪
♪Que siguiera cantando cositas lindas y bonitas para ustedes♪
♪Que son mis queridos amigos♪

♪El Nazareno me dijo♪
♪Que cuidará a mis amigos♪
♪Dale pa'lante, pa'lante, pa'lante, pa'lante, pa'lante como un elefante,♪
♪Maelo no dejes que te tumben, te plante♪
♪El Nazareno me dijo♪
♪Que cuidará a mis amigos♪

♪El Nazareno me dijo♪
♪El Nazareno me dijo♪
♪El Nazareno me dijo♪
♪Que cuidará a mis amigos♪
♪¡Óyelo bien!♪

♪Oye bien mi amigo, ¡oye!♪

♪El Nazareno me dijo♪
♪Que cuidará a mis amigos♪
♪Con Sororo, con la Merito y Cuñón♪
♪Voy pa' Portobelo a cargar el negrón♪

♪El Nazareno me dijo♪
♪Que cuidará a mis amigos♪
♪El Nazareno me dijo♪
♪El negrito lindo de Portobelo, me dijo♪
♪El Nazareno me dijo♪
♪Que cuidará a mis amigos♪

♪¡Dile Rigo!♪

♪El Nazareno me dijo♪
♪Que cuidará a mis amigos♪

♪¡Que viva el Cristo negro de Puertobelo!♪

♪¡Oye bien mi amigo, oye bien!♪

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