School ~ 08/03/22

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How did the thing I were the best at and the most comfortable to be in turned into this much stress. I've always liked school, I'm curious and I have learning facilities so I've always been happy while going to school, even if I complained about the number of hours, a teacher or just going to school in general. School has always been my thing.

This year is so fucking rude to me, i've lost like 5 friends since September, there's the Covid, and then the war, and school. Don't get me wrong, i still have good grades, and all the things I used to have. But I'm so stressed to go there these days. It's just that there's a lot of people, and a lot of things to learn, there's always noises, i feel like i don't know how to work anymore.
It's just like if I had been in a big vacation while everyone was still at school, and that everybody is moving forward but me. I'm just standing here.

Oh, I don't have friends in my class, or just in 3. That's it. So I don't feel comfortable walking in class, I barely talk to everyone, and I don't want to actually. I felt great in my bed, why did I had to leave it? I miss my room. Being in the dark everyday. Every time I'm going to school, I have another headache which gets stronger everyday. My heart beats to fast this week, I know it, I feel it. I'm so stressed that I woke up at 4am today, like without any alarm, cause I felt like i needed to be prepared.

Why is it so hard to walk in those hallways? Why do I tremble about going to another class? To see another teacher? Why can't I concentrate? Why do I look like if my mind wasn't gonna explode any time? Why am I not in my bed? I need it, I need to be back to only me, it felt better! I don't want to see people, because if I see them, it means I need to talk to them, or to feel their eyes, or to watch them idk. I just know they're here and I don't like that,

Im so freaking lost, yeah.

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