"It's killing everything!"

Why didn't she stop?! Was she killing everyone?! She didn't mean to! SHE DIDN'T MEAN TO!


Lupita snapped her head up and threw her first forward but it was caught just in time.

"Relax," a soothing voice said and began to lightly scratch her behind her ear.

"Why are you comforting her when she is clearly at fault!?" someone shouted.

"She is clearly not going well," the other voice said sternly but kept their voice leveled.

"She attacked one of my students! Do you think he is doing well?"

"It was his own fault. I believe every werewolf in this hall can vouch."

There was a collective of murmurs until someone spoke up. "He called her a dog."

"So?" The other voice said, and Lupita could finally hear and see normally again.

She was sitting on the floor, someone was behind her and someone else was beside her. The person speaking from before was a chubby man with a big, grey mustache and a balding head. On her side was Jazmyn and her mother was the one behind her.

"So?!" About ten different werewolves shouted.

"Being called a dog is the worst form of slur you can be called as a werewolf," Elizabeth said and stood up, helping Lupita lean on Jazmyn before she did so.

"Oh yeah, well, that was no excuse for her to harm one of my students!" The man shouted, getting right in Elizabeth's face.

"Elizabeth, Jack, let us take this to my office," the principal said. Wait... since when did the principal get here?

"Fine," the man, apparently named Jack, said and picked up Jeremy who was crying pathetically on the floor.

"Come on," Elizabeth said and helped Lupita up on her feet and they walked behind the principal to where Lupita could only guess was his office. But as she walked out, she felt a pair of eyes burning into her neck. She turned and saw the vampire girl from before... just staring at her.

Lupita looked down but caught a glimpse of her bloody knuckles.


She shut her eyes, took a deep breath, and looked back forward. She had to get this under control.

"Sorry for causing you trouble," Lupita apologized and wrung her hands nervously cringing as she felt the blood smear on her hands.

"It is fine. Just try to hold back a little next time," Elizabeth said and rubbed her shoulders.

Lupita smiled and before she knew it, they were inside the principal's office and she was being sat down on a chair. She wrung her hands nervously but stopped once she realized she was only spreading the blood.

"Here," she heard the principal say.

"Are you ok?" Elizabeth asked as Lupita didn't take whatever the principal was handing her.

After a few seconds, Lupita felt something wet and soft on her hands. And after a minute - give or take - she felt like she didn't have any blood on her hands. When she opened her eyes, she was right.

"Thank you," she said and gave Elizabeth a small smile before they went back to silence.

Jeremy came in a few minutes later with his nose patched up and covered with something white. He looked quite funny.

"Lupita, why did you attack Jeremy?" the principal asked.

"He called me a dog," she answered and crossed her arms.

"That was no excuse to break his nose!" Jack shouted and Lupita flinched at the loud noise.

She looked over to Jeremy and examined him for a while before saying, "He will probably look way better, but hopefully worse." His cheeks immediately went red and Lupita saw him clench his fists.

"Will you tolerate this behavior?!" Jack shouted and motioned a hand towards Lupita.

"It is her first day, she doesn't know how things work here," the principal said dismissively.

"You can't be serious?!" Jack shouted again. What was it with humans and having to be so jævla loud all the time?

"You can't expect her not to attack him when he said something like that," Elizabeth said in a calm voice.

"And why is that?!" Jack challenged.

"You know how you humans get more aggressive as you enter adolescence and puberty. All the mood swings and stress?" Elizabeth asked.

"Of course," Jack said, finally calming down.

"Imagine that aggression being multiplied by ten and out into a moody teenager that has super strength and can turn into a wolf on full moons. They don't have control over when and how they lash out. My daughter is half human and half werewolf in the most confusing stage of her life. She has lashed out at both me and her father and smashed holes in the wall from random outbursts," Elizabeth said, her voice going up slightly in volume.

"Werewolves and humans are not the same at all, and no two werewolves will react the same. Some may use words, others force, others will suppress it as long as possible. She clearly doesn't take light to slurs and turns in violence. If you want your pupils to be safe I suggest you teach them what not to call werewolves to not have them go on a rampage."

Jack stayed silent for a while and didn't dare speak.

"While that is a good explanation," the principal began, "I am still going to give both of you detention. Meet up in the gym hall after school." The principal looked at Jeremy and made a face. "Actually, Lupita, come to the gym hall, Jeremy... get to the hospital."

"Thank you, sir," Elizabeth said and squeezed Lupita's shoulder and motioned to the door with her head. "Let's go."

Lupita stood up and followed Elizabeth out, but not before glaring at Jeremy causing the boy to shrink in his seat.

A/N: Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I hope this was worth the wait.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask and if you see any spelling mistakes it would be lovely if you pointed them out.

Hope you are all taking care of yourselves both mentally and physically. Make sure to eat and drink something.

If no one has said it to you yet: I am incredibly proud of you!!

Hope you have a lovely day/night/evening.

Love you all and thank you for reading. Leave a vote or comment, they are very appreciated! ❤💖❤💖❤💖

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