C- "Yes, I am. Sometimes," Daki said. He knew he wouldn't bite Sam, though. But with a human's hand stuck in his mouth, he would be so tempted to swallow... he didn't doubt Sam already had some safeguards in place to ensure that didn't happen.

H- They wince. Ergh, not reassuring on their end. They quickly wipe the concern from their face, however.

"Well...at least you're honest." they chuckle. Silver linings - honesty. Though, unfortunately, being honest, didn't mean they would allow them to keep their limbs...
Eh...safeguards, right? Those would surely help right?

"DId you like the food today?" they ask suddenly, curious. "I know it's cold but - I was in a bit of a rush."

C- "I said sometimes, didn't I?" Daki huffed. "I won't bite you."

He glanced down at the empty food container, and pushed it back towards Sam. "It was good. Though I think you sticking your hand in my mouth will make me miss... other foods,"
Well, he was being honest.

H- They raise a brow and tilt their head in a skeptical way that says 'really?' without saying a word. "Bold promise to make to someone whose scraping your insides for ingredients like it's a local super market." they snort, amused.

Then again...he could have hurt them so much more yesterday...and he simply...Had Not. So maybe....But not really something they'd risk on purpose.

C- Daki merely shrugged. "Biting you won't make anything better for me in this situation,"

Well.... The taste of blood was nice— but of course doing that to Sam was not worth it at all. He had promised he wouldn't hurt them. The thought of yesterday, strangling them weighed down heavily upon him in that regard.

H- "No....I suppose not." they sigh, studying him as they go to pick up the plate. "But if it were any other giant, it might just be worth the satisfaction you'd get."

"But you're not just any other giant...."

THey chew on their lip, debating touching the subject or not.

"I brought up some possibilities to the Legion. I'm hoping they'll get back with me on that soon. I still think you'd be much more useful alive with us than dead or against us."

C- Daki looked up with interest. He still appeared guarded and cautious, though there was a small glimmer of hope. A part of him knew the humans would never agree to keep him alive. He was a liability. But still... it was worth trying.
"Thank you," he sighed.

H- "Yea. No problem." They reply, finishing their own food.

"I'm also poking them about the werewolf I'm supervising too. I mean...they're human enough to me? He's pretty nice, too. Maybe - I can change things...Maybe - " they sigh. That's a lot to hope for, but hope they can.

C- "It's worth trying I guess," Daki sighed. "I mean, werewolves and vampires were once human too, so... I mean I can see you guys wanting to capture and mess with me since I was never human, but with the others... It's kind of sad, I guess. Kind of wonder who the monster really is,"

H- They sigh and look away. "It will definitely be harder with you. Especially since your kind is known to target humans specifically....With you as no exception."

"But...I can try."

C- "Yeah, I get it." Daki sighed, looking down. "I don't expect to make it out of here alive anyways... But it's worth a shot,"

H- They hum. "I'll do my best." they wonder if it'd be cruel to promise him a different outcome....To promise him something they couldn't guarantee... "At the very least - I can try to make your stay here a little less unpleasant."

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