"The late Bratva's don Vladislav Usoro's wife with son and daughter were brutally murdered yesterday evening." The image of a blurred body appeared. You couldn't even recognize the face from how drastically it was ruined. "The late don's son's body was desecrated: his face was beaten up, multiple bones were broken and his internal organs were cut out before being displayed on the table of the family's formal dining room table."

Even for me, the man who's killed so many people in my life that I couldn't even begin to imagine how high that number was, this was disgusting. I've heard many stories back in the day of how brutal some members of the mafia were but this? This was something out of the ordinary. This brutal killing hasn't appeared in ages and I have to begin wondering if this was the first step to overruling the mafia empires. Meaning, that the Rossi might be next.

"Valentina and Matilda Usoro were most likely poisoned since no bruising of any sort was found on their bodies. Local police warn the surrounding areas of a merciless killer on the loose."

The door opened, making me tear my eyes away from the screen. A sight smile curved on my lips at the sight of my wife. Her blond hair was neatly straightened and pushed back. She wore an elegant, loose, emerald-coloured dress with black heels.

I loved this woman with everything in me and I feared that I didn't show it much. I was too caught up with work most of the time but after Cel took my spot, I made it my responsibility to show Giorgia just how much she meant to me. Especially after I found out what my shit of a father did to her behind my back.

"L'ho appena visto. Io... non posso crederci, amore mio," [I just saw that, I... I can't believe it, my love] her voice was quiet as she spoke and closed the door behind her. I motioned her to come over to me. She did just that and sat down on my lap before my hand wrapped around her. I placed a kiss on her shoulder as her arms wrapped around my shoulders. "Questo assassino ha fatto quello che volevamo fare in pochi giorni. E in che misura." [This killer did what we wanted to do in a few days. And to what extent.]

"Io so. Spero solo che non siamo gli obiettivi," [I know. I just hope we're not the targets] I said as I caressed her arm.

"But why just Vlad and Elijah? The killed must not have had some kind of grudge with the women to kill them as gruesome as they did with Vlad and his son." I nodded before my lips touched her cheek, giving me that shy smile I've grown to love over the years. I placed another kiss on the corner of her lip before kissing her. Her hand slowly slid up to my hair before she gently tugged my dark strands, making me groan. "You know how to change the subject," I smirked before catching her lips with mine.

"Ti amo," she smiled before pecking my lips.

"I love you more," I fought back an eye roll. "Yes, I do. And don't you dare roll your pretty eyes, young man," I chuckled as I moved my hand down to her hips.

"Young man?"

"You want me to call you out, old man?" I smiled before I leaned back in the chair. She sighed as the light in her face began to fade. "Do you know anything new?" I shook my head no.

Every day she asked me this in hopes of hearing something other than seeing me shake my head. Hell, even I wanted that.

"None on her." She looked down at her lap. I pulled her to my chest and tightly held her with my arms around her. "But I have some from across the ocean. Liam got shot and died for two minutes." My wife's head jerked upwards while her eyes looked right at me.

And fuck my life do they look exactly like my daughters.

"He's alive. And Alex is too but they both got severely injured."

King of the Empire ✓| #2 |Where stories live. Discover now