Chapter 23 - The Disappearance

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"Where's link," I demand and everyone looks down.

"We don't know," Lenir whispers and my worst fear comes true.

"But we did get a letter," He mutters and brings it to me. I situate myself on the stairs, trembling with oure fear.

It's from them.

Dear Zelda

We heard about your public blunder. Really a shame that Nekri has stolen your spotlight and respect. We do really love your work so we'd love to meet you. The girl who had to give her all and receive nothing. That's not really fair. We can see that. You deserve so much more. The girl who fought for 100 years and everyone has seemed to have forgotten. Zelda, you are the crown jewel of Hyrule. So we have a proposition. Meet us at the first farm to the east. Come when the moon reaches it's peak.

Also, Don't think this is an option. 

We believe you're missing something.

Or should we say...


Signed off with a Triforce surrounded by arrows.

"Zelda..." Lenir says and I stand up adamantly.

"I'm going alone," I say and a worried outburst erupts.

"We are obliged to protect our princess and we will do so," Lenir insists and I fold.

"Stay far, watch from afar. I know they have Link. We can't risk anything," I say and the heads of guard nod.

I go to suit up. My royal armour. My hair in its braid crown. I must save him. He saved me and realistically, What would I do without him?

I set off with a few of the senior guards on foot. Stealthily making our way around the clearing. We spot a small light coming from the east barn. A gathering of figures in hoods congregating by the entrance.

"Stay here," I whisper and they quickly secure the perimeter. 

I'm trembling but I've got to stand tall.

I make my way through the trees and into the light. 5 figures are at the front of the barn and they turn to face me. All their faces covered with masks but I can tell that they're all ranges of races. Geurdo, Rito, Zora, Goron and Hylians. All 5 races.

"Who are you?" I whisper shakily and the Zora steps forward.

"We believe that you have something that we so desperately want," He begins and I raise eyebrow.

"Power and influence," He says and I scoff. 

"Do you see what power does, Nothing. How are you possibly going to get that?" I shrug and he laughs.

"With you.".

I freeze.

The Geurdo steps forward.

"This kingdom doesn't seem to appreciate you one bit. Everything you've ever done seems to be... Ignored. Dismissed. So sad," She drawls and she tucks a bit of hair behind my ear.

"We have a certain plan that would benefit all of us,".

She's piqued my interest. 

There's no harm in asking.

I look up in curiosity and she giggles.

"We have connections, The kingdom would be so much more grateful if you saved them. Nekri is a problem. We didn't need her. No one did. We have you. An image of a perfect ruler," She puts an arm around me and creeps her fingers around my shoulder.

"Let's say you save us from a problem, image saved.".

They want me to kill Nekri. 

I feel sick.

But my head says yes.

It screams yes.

"How do you propose to carry out a scheme like that," I ask and the Goron decides to answer.

"We're not dumb enough to give away info like that. You haven't pledged anything. You have no proof of anything. We know you brought back up and so did we," He leads me away from the barn pointing to a cave. 

"We have small armies situated in all the caves around the area if you dare try to avoid us, your precious guards killed and you in the centre of it, Zelda the mass murderer. It has a nice ring to it,".

I gasp and start breathing heavily I realised who I was here for.

"Where is Link." I spit out and they all gather around me.

"If you come with us we will tell you everything and..." The Geurdo lady nudges the Zora and he pulls out a tied up and gagged Link. 

He seems unharmed but the Geurdo has whip in her waistband. He's unconscious till the Zora kicks him and his eyes blink open. He sees me and immediately starts struggling.

"Settle down Hylian!" The Geurdo yells quickly cracking her whip. He freezes and subdues. I jump back in horror and start trembling.

My Link like this.

"We'll give him back in exchange for you, you'll get to come back. Live an ideal life with Link in fame and prosperity blah blah blah," The Rito says nochantly.

"In partner ship with us of course," The Hylian adds breaking their silence.

Do I even have a choice?

"What if I don't?" I reply and they all look to each-other and laugh.

"What would the press say if the golden boy of Hyrule dead and all his guard too. Killed in a inconspicuous barn with the deranged princess who can't even control her tongue lying there with weapons and all." The Geurdo replied.

Link starts struggling and his gag falls off. 

"ZELDA DON'T DO IT," He yells and the Zora slaps him and kicks him. Brutally and with no mercy. Link squirms in pain, flinching. 

"NO," I run to him and punch the Zora away throwing my body into the kicks.

"ILL DO IT JUST LET HIM GO," I cry and the Geurdo giggles.

"Zelda, Trust me. Our partnership will be everything but a failure, You'll be grateful once it's done," She says guiding me up.

"Hylian, Don't even try to follow us. We have people everywhere,".

Link is unbound and weak. I run back to him and hug him tightly.

"Link, I have to do this,".

"No, you don't,".

"Stand down, Queen's orders," I whisper and he falters. He hugs me and lets me go.

"Trust me,".

"I do," He whispers softly and sadly.

I get up and follow the group leaving Link behind.

I look back and his silhouette gets smaller and smaller.

"Trust me, Your Majesty this is going to be in the history books," The Geurdo laughs.

Whose side am I on?

The Silent Princess - A Breath Of The Wild Fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن