The day my heart stopped

Começar do início

"Please answer me, darling. I just need to hear your voice, to know that you're ok. I dream of you every night, you haunt me still, even in my sleep,"

Still no response. He squeezed his eyes shut. "Bonnie, please," then his face contorted in a glare. He lowered the phone, the call had ended. 

"What did she say?" Davina asked.

"She wouldn't answer me. I only heard silence until Damon told her to hang up," he growled as he handed Davina back her phone. "When I get her back, I'm going to kill him,"

"Kol, stop it. You were doing so good," Davina reached for him, grabbing his hands. "Don't spiral, please. I need you. It's not safe, if it was she would've answered. I'm here, Kol. And I love you, I can't lose you,"

Kol regarded Davina for a moment, leaning away from her hold. Then his face softened and he sighed, taking her back to bed. Two days later they were back in New Orleans walking hand in hand up to Marcel in the daylight of the French Quarter. Kol pulled his hand away as they approached.

Davina frowned. "It's fine, he already knows about us,"

Still, Kol shoved both hands in his pockets and looked Marcel up and down. Marcel crossed his arms and smirked. Kol gave him a slight nod.

"Marcel!" Davina threw his arms around her father figure.

"Hey D. Where have you been, missy?"

"I've been fine, we both have," she pulled back to stand again next to Kol. "We're only here for a few days, I got a call from Bonnie, something happened with the other side. Have you heard anything?"

Marcel frowned and appeared in thought for a moment. "No, nothing unusual, Abby hasn't said anything either," he looked at Kol who had remained silent the whole time. "Are you going to see Abby?"

"No, we weren't planning on it," Davina answered.

"Actually, I'm going to be on my way to see Abby now," Kol corrected, finally speaking. "Then I'm leaving town,"

Marcel nodded at that. "She's in Rousseau's,"

"What? Kol, no, I'm coming with you,"

Kol cradled her face in his hands. "Davina, I have to go. You're better off here, at home. I need to be alone in my travels,"

Without another word, Kol had flashed away and Davina didn't hear a damn thing about anyone from Mystic Falls until 2013 when Bonnie called on her again.

Present day New Orleans

"Stop this! Why can't I feel her, Davina?" Kol demanded as he zipped away from her grasp as she attempted to kiss him.

Davina leaned on the door before she turned around to face Kol again. "Because she doesn't want you to. Don't you get it? She doesn't want to see you, Kol it hurts too much and it's not going to help anything,"

"I felt her, for a brief period, until I arrived back in the States. I know you had something to do with it. You've cloaked her again, haven't you?"

"I helped you both again, to stay off of Esther's radar when her shield fell. You're welcome, by the way,"

"Why did the shield fall?"

"She wouldn't tell me, she said she's handling it. I wasn't going to press her but one thing she did say, she still doesn't want to see you, she can't. Nothing's changed, that's why she had me cloak her again!"

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