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They say the royal family was a family of honor. Of pride. They always put their people in front of them, and respected those of similar ranks, rarely sparing a glance to the lower classes. 

Each member had a role, a duty to follow until they died. The princes, to learn from their father and prove to their people they were capable of protecting them. The queen, to show mercy and kindness to subjects whom her spouse deemed worthy to care for. The king, to run the kingdom and maintain order at all times.

They kept to themselves at all times, and only interacted with those when they had no choice to do so otherwise. The only rule the family had to follow, was to refrain from forming bonds with lower classes. Lowered their reputation and such, as they said.

They despised third-classes, simply because they came from the lowest rank in society. Regardless of how skilled they may be in battle, or how excellent of a servant they may be, they would never meet eye to eye with royals.

Because they were third- class and they were royals.


"You're terrible at this," The eldest prince chuckled quietly as he was spun around clumsily. "You're supposed to use both hands, Kakarot."

"Yeah yeah," The young guard wrapped their arm around the prince's waist as the two twirled in the empty ballroom. "You're not helping, you know."

There were exceptions, however.

The prince raised an eyebrow, and smirked. "That's no way to talk to your prince, Kakarot." They stopped spinning, and Vegeta's back faced the windows, the moonlight shining upon his lover's face softly. It didn't last long, as the sound of footsteps came forth once again as the two slowly danced across the room properly.

Exceptions only few royals were given.

"I suppose," Goku bent down and pulled Vegeta's waist closer. "But I still don't understand."

"Understand what?" The prince moved his face closer to the third-class saiyan.

Exceptions done only in the name of love.

"Why dance with me? Alone?" Goku stood straight and stared into Vegeta's eyes, ignoring the small distance between them. "Why in the dark, where only our eyes watch over each other?"

The prince glanced at the saiyan's lips for a second before looking back into his onyx eyes, the flame hidden behind those pupils burning with passion and love. Vegeta smiled and connected their foreheads.

"One always dances alone, Kakarot." The prince closed his eyes, and Goku followed his actions. Vegeta slowly raised his hands to his lover's cheeks. "Who you choose to dance with, who you choose to show your dance to, that is up to you."

"Poetic," Goku now wrapped both his arms around the prince, pulling him closer. Their lips were only centimeters apart. "And just as confusing."

"Oh, but you love that about me, don't you," Vegeta opened his eyes. They too, glowed with compassion and adoration. "My dear?"

Goku chuckled. "Always, my prince."

And in the moonlight, as few royals have done, the two shared their love to one another. Through the sounds of laughter and footwork, the two spent their final moments together basking under the pale light.

They would have to return to their duties in the morning, play their roles, just as everyone else. But come night, and you will find them dancing away in the ballroom, under the protection of the moonlight.

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