He's frustrated. He misses her, her hair, her eyes, her voice, and her presence. He wants to see her... he's craving for her.

He wants to hug her so bad that he just hugs her pillow in hopes to calm down his desires.

"Aurum... Darling, I miss you"

He buries his face into the pillow, inhaling deeply before sighing. "Ahh, I can't wait to see you...just a few weeks, a few weeks more before I can finally see you", he said, his words miffled by the soft pillow...

The gathering where all houses gather each year to promote harmony, some promotion they have. There's no harmony in this region...just power and greed.

But I? Who do I greed for?

I greed for Aurum Lapis...

The greed to have the most brightest gold in the world. "I wonder how you'll look, would you wear a dress? No, you'll probably wear a hanfu...a beautiful one", I said as I turn my head to the side, I stare at the glass windows...

"Maybe you'll surprise me...shall I suprise you, too? What would be your reaction? Would you blush because you think I look good?

Or would you ignore it and just cry because of happiness?", I chuckled at the thought. "Either way will make me happy"

My eyes widened at what I was doing, I groaned and buried my face into the pillow again. "Ugh... Darling, what have you done to me?", I whined.

"She changed you..."

I jolted off the bed and positioned myself into a fighting stances. I calmed myself when I heard tge intruder laugh, "Roxy, you startled me!", I yelled.

She laughed louder. My sister Roxana, whom I shared all my feelings with, and she gave me all the help I need. I'm truly grateful to have her.

"The gathering is almost here, do you already have something to wear?", She asked, still giggling. "Stop laughing...!"

"Actually...", I walked towards her and rubbed the back of my head awkwardly, "Can you help me dress up for the gathering?", I asked. I'm always like this, acting like a kid Infront of her...

Would Aurum like how I act? Should I change it?

"Oh, looking something for you to impress someone, huh?", She teased.

I fought myself not blush, "Can't I dress up? Looking good is now one of my life mottos, sister", that wasn't a lie. After all I'm trying to be the best for my Darling...

She then sighs, "Aw, my dear brother is inlove~"

I blushed, "Oh, shut it!"

Yes, Sister Roxana does know about Aurum, and she told me about Cassis Padelian. That made us closser than before, made me know more about her as she learns more about me.

"Alright, I'll find you something that will impress and catch the attention of a dragon", she teased for the last time before leaving.

As she left, I stumbled backwards amd landed on the bed. "Ah, this greed...would you love me if I keep getting greedy, Aurum?"

I stare up at the moon through the windows, "How are you doing, my love? Are you eating alright, sleeping alright, growing up alright?", I subconsciously asked. I miss her too much...

"Do you miss me like I do, Darling?"

• Mweheheheh

Act 2: Adolescence has finally started!

• Who's waiting for Yuri on Ice: Adolescence movie?

• (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

• It's so damn loooong, MAPPA better give us a movie that's worth YEARS to wait since the trailer!

• ✨ALSO CHECK OUT THE NEW BOOK I PUBLISHED! I posted my schedule and other activities such as Fanfiction suggestions and other stuff!✨
[I ask, you answere]

𝐓𝐖𝐓𝐏𝐓𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐁: 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕 𝑶𝒇 𝑮𝒐𝒍𝒅 [Jeremyxoc]Where stories live. Discover now