chapter thirteen

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In Wren's defense, she did try to wake Percy up.

She was admittedly surprised that the two had fallen asleep down in the stables, even more surprised that she'd actually slept the remainder of the night without any damning nightmare. When she woke up that morning, light gleaming through the windows and glass door, half of her was convinced that one of Gaea's minions had snuck on the boat and offed her in her sleep. But there was Percy on the ground next to her, wrapped in a blanket and oblivious to the morning light around them.

Wren tried to wake him up, but every time he just waved a dismissive hand at her and rolled the opposite direction.

"If we're not down there when everyone hits the mess hall, they're gonna go nuts." Wren poked the boy in the side, "Hedge is gonna try to use your head for batting practice."

Percy had muttered something about not even liking baseball, and with a shake of her head Wren gave up and retreated to her room to change.

Wren spent every last second until the meeting in her room, dreading facing the day ahead. So when she finally did gather in the mess hall with the rest of the group, she had to bite the inside of her cheeks to hide her amusement at the sight of Coach Hedge waving his baseball bat in Percy's baffled face.

Apparently Frank found Percy still asleep in the stables, and naturally, Coach Hedge was going ballistic over it. Wren felt a little bad that the boy was in trouble, but on the other hand she did try to wake him up before she left.

"Never in my life!" Hedge accidentally hit a plate of apples with his bat and sent it crashing to the ground, "Against the rules! Irresponsible!"

"Coach, it was an accident." Percy was doing his best to hold back the grin that was fighting its way to his face, "Besides, you're staring to sound like Terminus."

"Is that an insult, Jackson? Cause I'll - I'll terminus you, buddy!"

Wren slapped her hand over her mouth to keep from laughing.

"It won't happen again, Coach. I promise." Percy assured, "Now, don't we have other things to discuss?"

"Fine!" Hedge fumed, "But I'm watching you, Jackson!"

Percy was nodding his head as if he was actually taking the warning seriously when his eyes met Wren's across the room. He stuck his tongue into the side of the mouth when he noticed the amusement on her face, and he popped his hands into the pockets of his jeans as he followed her through the mess hall entry way.

She tried to pretend that she didn't notice him, but he paused behind her just as she reached her chair, leaning down so he could be a little quieter, "Thanks for that."

Wren's cheeks were still glowing from holding back her laughter in the hallway, "I tried to wake you up."

"You could've tried a little harder."

The girl merely grinned, biting her bottom lip as Percy tried to maintain a serious glare overtop his own amusement at the situation, "Keep this in mind next time you wanna sneak out."

"Are you implying that we'll be sneaking out again, Wren Kelley?"

At that she nearly let out a laugh, shoving him away with her arm when he leaned just a tad closer, "Fuck off, Jackson."

He chuckled to himself as he moved to his own seat, shaking his head in the process.

"What was that?"

Wren jumped, turning to face Annabeth who had a completely baffled look on her face, "Huh?"

"You and Percy, what was that?"

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