chapter six

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      Leo placed the Argo II down on the closest lake so that the demigods were finally able to take a moment to regroup. The tension on the ship was undeniable as everyone - save for Piper and an unconscious Jason, also Hedge, but Wren wasn't exactly sure where the satyr was - assembled in the mess hall to try and plan out their next steps.

Percy was in a visibly bad mood - he was switching between between sending Leo his bone chilling death stare and then gazing longingly at the panels on the wall that broadcasted images of Half-Blood Hill. His poor mood offered only half an explanation for why, not even two minutes after everyone had assembled around the dining room table, he had already started an argument with Wren Kelley.

Honestly the girl didn't even have any bad intentions. Wren had padded into the room a few moments after the others after changing into a dry outfit since Percy had doused her during the mob at Camp Jupiter. She plopped down in the chair besides Leo, quickly noticing his uncomfortable stature and looking around trying to figure out what was making the Vadez boy look like he was doing to combust.

Her eyes met the stormy green of Percy's, and you would think that the reaction would have represented someone whose head was shaved in the middle of the night rather than just being caught with a furious glance. His look was intimidating - eyes narrowed, bright green eyes looking one hundred shades darker. It was the kind of look that sent their enemies running on the battlefield when paired with a sword in his hand.

Unfortunately for him, Wren was anything but scared of Percy Jackson and she had far too much attitude to let it roll off her back when he started going at her.

Plus, he didn't have his sword ready at the moment.

Apparently Wren's little quip of 'it's flattering to know that I have such an effect on you, Jackson' only made the situation worse, because the boy shot up out of his chair and practically stormed across the room.

Annabeth forced herself between the squabbling duo, her arms pressed to either of their chests to try and keep just a bit of distance over them as they shouted over her own yells to 'knock it the fuck off!'. Percy looked furious, waving his hand as Wren had her hands popped on her hips, yelling back retorts but looking far too entertained.

"You know, you've been back a whole half hour and-"

"-if you would just give it a rest for one goddamn minute, I swear to the gods-"

"-if I could... I didn't even fucking do anything! You are such a dou-"

"Enough!" Annabeth shouted, finally managing to shove the two apart with a hard shove, "Both of you knock it off!"

The room was full of that same feeling that arose in the air whenever Jason was about to use his powers. The electricity, the static, tension so thick that one false move would set everything ablaze in an explosion of fury.

Wren Kelley and Percy Jackson were far too similar for their own good. They were loyal, impulsive, intelligent, sarcastic, short-tempered, and far too brave for their own good. There was never any backing down from a fight.

Especially from each other.

The two hadn't gotten off to a good start, but when you're eleven and twelve you're not supposed to like other people because everyone still has cooties. Annabeth assumed that over time the duo would get over it much like she had. She knew it would take time because both Wren and Percy had been through an insurmountable about of bullshit in their short lives - they built up walls, they had strong defenses, and they were scared to let anyone else in. Especially after Luke.

But instead of the quests and the end of the war bringing them closer, it only seemed to shove a wedge further between them.

There were times when their fighting could be a little amusing, with their baseless arguments and pointless bickering that was actually joke ridden.

little bird - Percy JacksonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang