chapter five

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      Traveling to Camp Jupiter, nothing had gone wrong. It was almost peaceful - minus Annabeth and Jason taking turns pacing back and forth so often that Wren was convinced they were going to wear down a path on the planks and get thrown overboard by Leo.

The second they arrived in Roman territory, a coil had begun twisting in Wren's stomach, getting tighter and tighter every second as she waited for it to pop. All of that tension and the constant assurance from the back of her mind that something was about to go very wrong was accredited to one person - Percy Jackson.

What? Everything was fine until we suddenly reunited. Cause and effect? Correlation? Coincidence?

Sue me.

Wren was sat along the edge of the forum with Percy and his two new friends Frank and Hazel who seemed to be remotely uncomfortable with the tension that flowed from the two Greeks. Still, they awkwardly chipped into the conversation as to not make it any worse.

Not even five minutes into the conversation and Percy has already decided he wanted to drown himself in the Little Tiber because Frank and Hazel seemed to take a much bigger liking to Wren than he had been expecting, and Wren had returned that enthusiasm without hesitation.

The Kelley girl was just letting out a laugh at something Frank had said, Percy just opening his mouth to shoot back a response, when a shrill sound pierced through the air with a bright flash of light.

"What the-"

"Move! Move!"

Wren wasn't sure who had ripped her out of her chair, but she was thankful that the rather hostile tug had forced her feet to take off.

The group of four had abruptly dashed away from the feast set-up when an explosion rocked the forum. Mid stumble, Wren turned to look over her shoulder as the couches were set ablaze.

Oh motherfucker.

"This feels like an action movie!" The girl quipped as the demigods rushed from the scene, flames blazing behind them, to which Percy shot her a bewildered look and holstered, "Shut the fuck up, Wren!" just as the same piercing should broke through the sky.

A second volley and a mega spear dancing with Greek fire came flying through the air, barreling towards the senate. Both directly from the Argo II.

"Why is your ship firing on the camp?" Hazel frantically questioned the girl.

Well if I could tell you-

"I don't know. Something's not right." Wren shook her head, "I have to go find Leo!"

"Yeah? Good luck with that!" Percy responded, gesturing towards the crowd of demigods that had began to surround them.

The mob of angry Roman's that had started to form was furious, and Wren couldn't blame them. If some giant warship had showed up overhead of Camp Half-Blood after they'd let the people join a feast, she would be pretty fucking pissed. What she couldn't understand was why the Argo was firing the missiles. Octavian had given her terrible vibes, but surely he wouldn't fire on his own camp. And Leo - Leo would never.

Coach Hedge, maybe. But Leo? Not a chance.

The Roman demigods were shouting - traitors! you tricked us!

Blah, blah, blah.

Wren was pretty sure she even heard someone shout "kill the Greeks!", which she could say was pretty extreme, even for the situation.

When Jason and Piper came barreling through, Wren hoped it would aid the tension. But Jason's forehead was bleeding and Piper looked in complete disarray.

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