chapter nine

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      Wren didn't have to be a child of Demeter to notice that the crop fields in front of them were barren of any god.

"No sign of the wine dude." Percy voiced, Wren nodding in agreement behind him.

"I beg your pardon?"

Blackjack whipped around so quickly that an unsuspecting Wren quickly grasped at Percy's shirt to keep from falling off.

"Jesus fucking Christ." She hissed, earning a snort from the boy in front of her.

Percy was so never letting the girl live this down.

"Did someone just cal me the wine dude?" The wheat parted and the man stepped into view. He wore a wide-brimmed hat, a purple shirt, khaki shorts, and white socks with Birkenstocks. In Wren's opinion, he looked like a middle aged dad on vacation - as if she would know what that looked like from experience. He continued, addressing them in a lazy drawl, "It's Bacchus, please. Or Mr. Bacchus. Or Lord Bacchus. Or, sometimes, Oh-My-Gods-Please-Don't-Kill-Me, Lord Bacchus."

"Well that's a mouthful." Wren quipped, a grimace on her face as she eyed the god.

"You look different." Percy noted, "Skinner. Your hair is longer. And your shirt isn't so loud."

The wine god squinted at the boy, "What in blazes are you talking about? Who are you, and where is Ceres?"

"Uh... what series?"

"I think he means Ceres." Jason said, "The goddess of agriculture. You'd call her Demeter."

"Mommy dearest." Wren hummed.

"Lord Bacchus, do you remember me? I helped you with that missing leopard in Sonoma."

Bacchus rubbed his chin, "Ah... yes. John Green."

"Jason Grace."

Clearly the Roman and Greek counterpart share Dionysus' affinity for names.

"Whatever." The god dismissed, "Did Ceres send you, then?"

Jason shook his head, "No, Lord Bacchus. Were you expecting to meet her here?"

"Well I didn't come to Kansas to party, my boy." He snorted, "Ceres asked me here for a council of war. What with Gaea rising, the crops are withering. Droughts are spreading. The karpoi are in revolt. Even my grapes aren't safe. Ceres wanted a United front in the plant war." Dion- Bacchus looked back to Wren, "You. You said she is your mother? Where is she?"

Well, if I knew-

Wren shot the god an incredulous look, "If that isn't the question of my entire life-"

"Yeah, sorry, you said plant war?" Percy cut the girl off, "You're going to arm all the little grapes with tiny assault rifles?"

Bacchus narrowed his eyes, "Have we met?"

"At Camp Half-Blood." Percy said, "I know you as Mr. D - Dionysus."

They watched as the god winced and groaned, and for just a moment, his image flickered to show his Greek counterpart - fatter and in a much louder leopard-print Hawaiian shirt, with a Diet Coke.

Good ole Mr. D.

"Stop that! Stop thinking about me in Greek!"

"Uh, but..."

"Do you have any idea how hard it is to stay focused? Splitting headaches all the times!" Bacchus complained, "I never know what I'm doing or where I'm going! Constantly grumpy!"

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