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"And here is our lecture hall—"

"I know that, I've been here before."

"—and where you're going to be spending all your time these next months. With me."

The brunet man scoffed, bumping the blond as he held the door open for George to walk through, Dream following behind him.

Their professor—an old man that looked like he was on the brink of death—was already there, typing slowly on his computer.

For such a class Dream would've expected a younger professor, someone in their late thirties to mid forties, but this sixty-something year old man was quite good at teaching this subject.

"What do you think of the school so far?" Dream asked as they walked up the stairs to the seats in the back, the blond claiming the seat next to George.

"Meh," George said. "The computer science professor is better but it looks uglier."

"I like how you pronounce certain words," Dream blurted out accidentally as he opened his laptop, his notebook and a pen next to it.

Dream blushed profusely and refrained from making eye contact with the brunet, George glancing over at him with a confused glare.

The blond cleared his throat awkwardly. "Sorry. I—I didn't mean to say that."

George nodded, obviously unconvinced. "It's alright."

He wasn't lying, though, how George pronounced certain words was so attractive, his accent and vocabulary made him sound absurdly professional at points.

Why had Dream been thinking so much about George all of a sudden? He was absolutely ridiculous.

But, his hair, his eyes, how he spoke, how he held things, how he looked at Dream—both with annoyance and slight amusement.

George was also incredibly pretty and handsome, whenever he looked like he was about to fall asleep Dream felt like he could just cup his face and kiss him.

What the actual fuck?

Dream shouldn't be thinking about his newly made acquaintance, two of his best friends' flatmate.

His head was resting on his clenched fist, elbow leaned onto the table as his eyes were glued on the brunet man pulling his stuff out of his backpack.

The brunet raised an eyebrow at him before logging onto his laptop. "What are you looking at?" George asked, pushing his elbow softly into Dream's arm.

"Oh. Nothing," Dream said, body jolting slightly and his head raising from his hand. "Sorry. I was zoned out."

"M'kay," George muttered.

Once Dream was about to open his mouth again the professor cleared his throat loudly, standing in front of the class with a whiteboard pen in his hand.

Dream wasn't able to focus that lesson at all, occasional glances over at the brunet became full on stares, George asking him several times about what was wrong.

The blond brushed it off each time, blaming it on lack of attention span, blaming it on his meds or that he didn't get enough sleep that night.

Each excuse got a slow and unsure nod in response from George, looking quite worried the whole two hour lesson.

Sooner than Dream would've ever expected George started packing his stuff, the professor thanking them for a good lesson.

As George started putting his laptop into his backpack the blond got knocked out of his zoned out state.

Love at first sight // dnfWhere stories live. Discover now