"You're hurting me, Kai." She let out a soft groan, her jade eyes blazing with a glare.

"What did you do?" He demanded.

"Let me go so we can figure out what the hell is going on and why the spell isn't working!" She hissed.

"Sure thing," his eyes sparkled something evil as he released his grip so suddenly that Bonnie fell to the ground, dropping the ascendant which morphed into a coke can as it hit the floor.

Kai's eyes nearly jumped from his sockets at the realization. He knelt down just staring at what should have been where what should have been his ticket to freedom, the ascendant, lay. " Well, I'll be damned, Bonnie Bennett. You've been fucking with me this whole time."

Bonnie knew she had a meager amount of time before Kai unleashed his psycho on her. With a silent spell, she summoned the metal bat to her hands as she stood up.

"Yes, you will!" She screamed as Kai looked up just in time to see a flash of metal come crashing down on his left ear. He reached out his hand as he stumbled fully to the floor and Bonnie brought the bat down a few more times on his head. Kai's body jerked a few times before he became still. This was the second time she'd killed him in two days. Not that she was keeping score but if anyone deserved it, it was the family massacring sociopath. Still, she knew she had to move quickly. This was his hell and he would always reanimate. If he found her when he was alive again, Bonnie was certain he would kill her, and she didn't know where her latest death would lead her.

She grabbed Miss Cuddles and her bag and hurried back to the Salvatore crypt to wait it out. She knew the Salvatore boarding house would be the first place he would look for her when he came to. She was counting on that so Kai would walk into her magical trap.


Mystic Falls 2010

Their first official date was nothing short of magical. Bonnie couldn't stop swooning when Kol escorted her home, and that was probably because Kol couldn't stop kissing her. He told her it was because now that they were official, he didn't want to let her go.

"I should go inside," Bonnie whispered against his lips.

"I don't like the sound of that. The last time you kissed me like this, you declined to see me for two whole agonizing days. When I say agony, I mean-"

"Agony of the worst kind, you already told me," she released a soft laugh against his lips and gave him a quick peck. "I'm not going to hide from you anymore."

Kol leaned back and searched her face. "Is that a promise?"


"Very well then," Kol said, pleased. "I shall hold you to your word. Kiss me again," he prompted, teasing the corner of her mouth with his tongue. Bonnie pulled back and held her finger to his lips while Kol pouted at the loss of proximity to her face.

"One more kiss,"

"Two more," before she could utter another word he'd reclaimed her lips. He worked his tongue around, making sure to explore every inch of her mouth while his hands caressed her hips until he had her sighing with desire as he pressed her against the outer wall of her home.

The door opened, prompting Bonnie's eyes to snap open while Kol didn't seem to notice, being so caught up in her kiss. Abby stood in the doorway. Embarrassed, Bonnie broke contact and pulled away, to Kol's discontentment.

"Why," he sighed. Then he noticed Abby, which visibly annoyed him even further.

"Bonnie, it's getting late. You should say goodnight." She said flatly.

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