Belle Frontiere

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Rest In PeaceSMG4: SFA6 VIIMaker Of Widows-SMG4: SFA6 VIIIIntergalactic War

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Rest In Peace
Maker Of Widows
Intergalactic War

Belle is shown to be both laid-back yet immensely competitive. However, she is more irritable than the original while she still has her insane amount of sass. She is the absolute opposite of Tari, as she acts more aggressively than she does and is much less friendly, but that's what makes her a good agent. In addition, she has a right metal arm instead of a left one and has red and orange hair. She's also taller than her. But nowadays, Tari and Belle are getting along pretty well. Unfortunately, those days came to an end when Duratos killed her on Ricitua

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