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The villain from the Quantum series by InfernoNarratives , Traviere almost looks like if Thanos lost half his weight, lost his nose, textured chin, and his hands had massive claws on each finger

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The villain from the Quantum series by InfernoNarratives , Traviere almost looks like if Thanos lost half his weight, lost his nose, textured chin, and his hands had massive claws on each finger. His lips are replaced with bone, which make it look like he has a flat beak. He's maniacal and can never shut the f**k up about restoring his old home. Traviere is a former defender of his home and will do anything to restore it to full health, and he sees anyone in his way as a threat. He uses a made up story about being a "Time Vaulter" to inflict fear in his opponents. In reality, he can only teleport, use armor, and slash with dramatically long claws. His power over his victims makes his appear as a god to those around him. If you thought an Earthly final boss was bad, this guy puts them to shame with his attack power and massive galactic army. The only people that would normally stand any chance against him is the galactic Regime: The Retrabán, but even he can defeat them if they aren't properly prepared. The Retrabán remains his priority target over everything else. But, since he had the Retrabán in his grasp, his priority target is SoFi A6.

But what really gets me under my skin is the absolute disrespect he shows his opponents. "Nameless gray faces"? Really, Traviere? After the sh*t that went down on Ricitua? ARE YOU F**KING DENSE?! Those "nameless gray faces" exposed the f**k out of you on your own god damn turf! You were humiliated by a team that had no experience fighting in space!!! Past sins have come due baby, and the gods want you to pay up! If I want to pay attention to you, I'll find you in the Quantum series. Go drown in your own dark matter and f**k off!

Oh come on, stop that shit! I'm dumping the Dark Squid vs SY35 rivalry and that's that. I think it's time for a new rivalry. Traviere vs SY35!

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