Whiskey neat

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"Aunt Shelia aunt Shelia where the fuck are you!" I scream as I walk through kev's bar.

"Shelia left a couple of years ago!" Kev says as I roll my eyes.

"Ugh Shit, can you get me a whiskey neat?" I ask as kev laughs a dopey laugh.

"A little lady like you wants a whiskey neat?" Kev questions as I hand him a heavy glare.

"The fuck your questioning me for you get it for me or i come over and get it from you!" I hiss.

"I can't serve you!" Kev snaps as I growl at him out comes Carl grabbing me shoulder as I'm about to pounce.

"Get her out of here!" Kev demands glaring at me.

"Oh come on Kev this is my well my Umm my girlfriend you can't let her go without her drink!" Carl says as I raise my eyebrow at him.

"Seriously dude don't be a fucking hero!" I hiss rolling my eyes.

"Your girlfriend huh?" Kev says skeptically.

"Yep!" I murmur as I face Ethan chewing on the Cherry bubble gum the crew team gave me.

I pull him in by the collar as my lips pucker his lips come in contact with mine as he wraps his arms he's lips glide over mine as his tongue slips into my mouth.

"Cherry!" Mandy calls from the door to the alibi I pull back from Carl as his cheeks heat.

"Eww you perv!" I snap slapping my hand that's to the side of carls face as his face falls to the side fast and he goes red

"You want this back?" Carl asks pulling a piece of cherry gum from his mouth as I start to walk away.

"Keep as a souvenir." I say winking as I walk out the alibi room and the directors call cut.

"You did it!" Cameron calls as i high five him.

"I did it!" I say biting my bottom lip Remembering the sweet taste of Ethan's lips on mine.

"You bossed it!" Jeremy says as I smile.

"Yeah you did good." Ethan says scratching the back of his neck awkwardly as i nod and smile.

"Thanks." I mumble as Emma walks up to us.

"Wanna come to dinner, newbies never get the take on first go we are off early." Emma says as I smile.

"Yes i'd love that." I say grinning as Cameron puts his arms around me and Emma.

"Eth you wanna come?" Cameron asks as Ethan grins.

"Yeah if I drive!" He says grinning.

"Noooo Ethan drives like a grandma!" Emma moans as I laugh loudly shoving my hand over my mouth when I accidentally snort like a pig and go red like a beet route.

"Slow and safe sounds good to me!" I mumble as Ethan smirks and shoved his middle finger up at Emma playfully.

ꪮꪀꫀ ᥴꪶⅈᥴ𝕜 ꪖ᭙ꪖꪗ. Ethan CutkoskyWhere stories live. Discover now