Moving forward fearlessly (with alittle fear)

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"I'm so scared, this is different we are going to America, what if something bad happens and not to mention the airplane shit I'm freaking out shit shit shit!" I mumble pacing the floor of my bedroom as Annie chuckles.

"You have nothing to be scared about in coming with you remember, they said they sorted accommodation for you and our plane tickets are dealt with, a week ago you didn't even think you'd get the part now look at you packing for your new life London girl." Annie says grinning as I sigh.

"But what if......" I start to say as Annie flings one of my stuffed teddy's at me.

"Ouch!" I mumble as the teddy hits me across the cheek and Annie chuckles.

"Look what are all scared of change it wouldn't be change if it wasn't scary but this is good change you get to come back for Christmas and I'm with you!" Annie says emphasising that I'm with you part because obviously that's the most important,OBVIOUSLY.

"Yeah but we fight like cats and dogs, what if we fall out who will get kicked out?" I question as we both speak.

"You!" We both say at the same time as my eyes go wide with worry.

"See that's making me more scared!" I say as she rolls her eyes.

" if we fight we just go in separate rooms till we figure it out I don't care what you're saying Andy I'm not backing out of this this opportunity is too good for you to miss." Annie says, and I know that she s right even if I hate to admit it, and just me I hate to admit it.

"Now shut your gob and finish packing, here let's put on some paramore!" Annie says switching on the pink beats pill.

"It's a circle I mean cycle I can't excite you anymore!" Annie sings nodding her head.

"No we're not the same!" We both sing shout as I fold clothes placing them neatly into my suit case as Annie flings hers into her duffle bag messily (polar opposites)

Well you treat me just like another stranger well it's nice to meet you so I guess I'll go I best be on my way out.

ꪮꪀꫀ ᥴꪶⅈᥴ𝕜 ꪖ᭙ꪖꪗ. Ethan CutkoskyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora