chapter 92

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"How are you?" Is the question Alex hears first as she sits in the livingroom with her cup of coffee. She looks over the the woman of the house and smiles politely.

"Much better, thank you." She replies before taking a sip and turning to Esme. She had been feeling bad the last two days about going off on the woman even if she did have sort of a reason. "Esme, I.." she wasn't good with apologies.

"I know." The woman smiles and engulfs Alex in a hug from the side though the latter is still sitting with her cup of coffee. She takes a breath and places the cup down before turning and wrapping her arms around the woman as well. She smells the wonderful scent coming off of her and Alex wondered if that was her power. To be so full of love that she smelled like what you loved most in this world. She smelled like Pietro, Jasper and Harvey all in once. Something that could easily make her cry, but she craved the scent and didn't let go of the woman until someone cleared their throat.

"It was my understanding that you were dating me." A laugh erupts from both Alex and Esme and they let go, to see Jasper standing a few feet away.

"Doesn't hurt to look." Alex says with a shrug and winks at Esme. Jasper knew that Alex liked beautiful people. Vampires were always beautiful, even if it was sometimes in a strange way.

"No it does not." He replies and Alex narrows her eyes teasingly.

"Oh?" Alex asks and she doesnt notice that Esme leaves them alone. "And who might you be looking at?" He shrugs.

"Haven't found someone yet." Alex smiles and he wraps his arms around her. "Everyone seems like dirt beside you." A warm feeling erupts in Alex' chest as he says those words and she smiles up at him. "You ready?" He asks and Alex nods, gesturing towards the one backpack in the corner.

"Always." She chuckles before hoisting the backpack up.

"What is in there?" He frowns as he notices how heavy it is.

"Just the necessities." She replies and he chuckles.

"Alcohol and food then."

"You know me so well." They walk towards the door but stop as they hear footsteps from outside, running towards them. They were light and angelic.

"Alex!" Alice shouts. "Jasper." She stands before the two and frowns. "Where are you going? I need your help with the wedding," she continues as she looks at Alex. "Bella's.."

"We're going away for a small while." Alex says as she grabs Jasper's hand. Alice's mouth turns into an 'o'-shape and she frowns.

"I didn't see that." Alex shrugs.

"Wolf side must be acting up."

"Where will you be going?" Alice asks filled with interest.

"Everywhere." The two had quietly made a list of where Alex and Pietro would have gone once they were free and it felt good to still go there. Even if her brother wasn't with her, she still had the most amazing fiancé by her side.

"Will you be back in time?" She meant the wedding of course. Edward and Bella had decided on August the thirteenth, a month before Bella's next birthday. She didn't want to become a year older again, even if Edward was a grandpa compared to her.

"Of course." Jasper smiles at Alice who relaxes. Alex feels a bit of guilt as she looks at the small vampire before her. Alice had asked Alex several times if she were willing to help plan the wedding, but Alex held off. There were several objections for her. It being about Bella being the big one. Of course it didn't help that they hadn't even started planning their own wedding or that she had to face her feelings about Pietro or that they were going travelling. But Bella was the big one.

"We'll be there with plenty of time." Alex smiles and Alice nods before hugging the couple before her.

"Well, go on then. Don't let me hold you back." Alice watches as the couple walks towards Alex' car with their fingers interlaced and smiles. No one had known that Jasper would find his mate, not even her. And here he was, engaged and everything.

Jasper and Alex get in the car, him behind the steering wheel, and they drive away from the Cullen house. Alex looks back and waves at Alice who stands there, beaming like a ray of sunshine. She also waves at the house, and at her own house. A feeling of separation washes over her and she swallows the lump in her throat before looking forward.

"You okay ma'am?" Alex leans her head back and looks over towards Jasper.

"I'm getting there." And she meant it.

"So where will we be going first?" He asks as he finally takes the turn to the highway.

"How about Greece?" She offers and he nods.

"It's not Summer yet." She shrugs.

"We got a villa." She mutters and Jasper notices how she said we. He didn't know if she was talking about Pietro and her or Jasper and her, but he wasn't about to ask, knowing the hurt it could bring.

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