"Open it when miss Freya" she says, Daryl nods.


"Couldn't change his mind?" Freya asks Amethyst when Daryl exits the gates. Amethyst shakes her head, wrapping her arm around Freya's shoulders.

"Didn't try" she says, Freya looks up at her with a glare.
"I sorry, but he not wrong either. The fight take everything" Amethyst says, her voice quieting.

"You an I must sacrifice something, right?" She whispers, Freya hugs her and Amethyst sighs when she hears little sobs coming from the girl.

"But we already lost so much-" Freya says, choking on a sob, "I don't wanna lose Dad" Freya says, Amethyst looks up at Morgan and nods. He nods back before leaving.

Meanwhile Daryl has only walked a bit away from the Kingdom, and he stops, feeling Déjà vu and only realizing now that he's gonna miss Freya a lot.
"Just like the time I left with Merle. I'm leavin' my kid behind, again" Daryl thinks

Open it when miss Freya

Daryl grunts, reaches in his pocket and grabs the folded envelope. Opening it, he pulls out a crumpled paper.

A drawing of Freya, with a note in the corner.

I bet you opened this right when you left the gates, Redneck.

Daryl looks at the drawing, Freya is smiling, her freckles more noticeable than the scars.

Minutes later, Amethyst is still hugging her, but Freya's tears have almost slowed to a stop.

"It be okay" Amethyst whispers for the thousandth time, Freya continues hugging her until they see Jerry.

"Jerry" Amethyst greets, he smiles at them and notices Freya's red and puffy eyes.

"Freya of Alexandria, the King requests your audience" Jerry says, making Freya giggle and cover her face in embarrassment.

Amethyst grabs Freya's hand and slightly pushes her towards Jerry.
'Go on" she says, Freya nods and follows Jerry, talking happily with the King's bodyguard.

"You take good care of her. Duane's told me you'd be a good mother someday, I agree with him" Morgan says to Amethyst, she looks at him, not sure what he means.

"I don't see children my future" she says, Morgan gives her a look.
"I told, I'm too violent for young childs" she says, Morgan shakes his head.

"I've seen you with Judith, Rick trusts you enough to leave his vulnerable daughter's life in your hands, that should tell you something" Morgan says, smiling at her.
"I guess..." she trails off, Morgan puts his hand on her shoulder.

"If you're scared to find someone to love you, don't be. Besides, I think you've already caught someone's heart" he says honestly, Amethyst holds his hand and nods to him in thanks.

Freya's POV

"Why does the King wanna see me?" I ask Jerry, he smiles down at me.

"Shiva has grown attached to you after a day. She started growling and hissing at us half an hour ago" he says, I frown at him in confusion.
"Why?" I ask, he shrugs.

"We thought that maybe, Shiva missed you" he says, I hum as we enter the theater.
"Shiva!" I call, petting the tiger, I take off my mask, hugging her.

"I think she only missed the jerky" I say, sneaking her a piece, the King laughs. Shiva licks my face and I scrunch my face in disgust and laugh.

"Her tongue feels like sandpaper!" I say, wiping my face on my sleeve, Ezekiel laughs.

Princess Of The End {TWD x Child}Where stories live. Discover now