Goutadge snorts and startles Dathid, who startles Goutadge when he jumps, and they share a laugh. She makes a lot of noise when she gets to her feet and wakes Solara and Kyrbast, who are on the other side of the fire. I guess our day is starting.

Dathid checks Qince's pulse. I probably should've done that when I got up, but I never gave him a thought. That's probably why they won't make me a team member. Although, Jonah's here now. He could sense if Qince takes a turn for the worst.

Dathid slaps Qince's face. "Wake up!" Jonah and I both move to stop him when Qince moans and rolls over. Dathid smacks him so hard he sits up, yelling in Gàidhlig.

"English." Everyone can feel Dathid's anger. I'm struggling to make sense of it. He was so frightened last night when he thought Qince would die. Now he seems angry that he lived.

"This doesn't look as if it'll end well," Jonah mutters. I'm relieved that someone else is as confused as me, but I'm also alarmed. If Jonah is concerned, we all should be extremely worried.

Qince jumps to his feet, stumbles on his recently mended leg, and stands nose to nose with Dathid, who steadies him. Qince must remember that Dathid almost killed him last night. He jerks out of Dathid's grasp and limps into the woods. Hopefully, that means he also recalled that Dathid saved his life.

As soon as he's out of sight, Dathid's demeanor changes back to the one I've gotten used to. I want to ask him what that was about, but I don't want him to look at me the same way he did at Qince. Jonah and I step back into camp, and everyone gathers around us. 

"Well?" Dathid asks. He's the serious soldier now. Qince is forgotten.

Solara steps forward. "We eat. Head south to Houte Malle. I know the Voornok. We can shelter there until this ends."

"That's too far. We have six riders and two unicorns," Dathid argues.

Jonah puts his hand up. "We have three unicorns. I found one when I was tracking the Chimnocki."

"I can ride Goutadge," Solara offers.

A laugh escapes before I can stop it. "Sorry," I say, but that makes me laugh harder. "That struck me funny. Sorry." I hold my breath in an attempt to stop/

Dathid shoots me a look that communicates I need to pull it together before he turns back to Solara. "No, we should head up the mountain. We'll be tough to follow."

Jonah shakes his head. "Kyrbast won't make it. Plus, that puts us in no man's land. We need to get to that village. If we stay off the roads, we'll be sheltered while we travel to Houte Malle. It'll just take longer."

Qince returns. He didn't hunt anything, gather any leaves, or even bother to pick some moss. When he joins the circle, I share Dathid's contempt. Does he expect us to wait on him?

"Why did you free that Chimnocki?" Dathid's fists are already clenched.

Everyone, as if on command, takes a step back. Faeries are aggressive by nature. I thought the stories the elves told were exaggerated, but watching Dathid interact with his nephew makes me believe differently.

"We were just moving him." Qince takes an antagonistic step toward Dathid. "How was I to know the Grucht Leisck would attack? Stupid elves should have better sentries." Their faces are almost touching.

Solara jumps forward with her hand raised, so they notice her. "To guard against an outlawed root?"

Kyrbast puts a hand on her shoulder. She doesn't step back, but she doesn't progress forward. If Qince doesn't shut up about the elves, he may get some of those scars he's missing.

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