Why did he have to say my name like that let alone the name my mother would always call me.

Cameron stands there expectantly.

"Well Addy here is a wonderful girl aren't you. She's a good girl she follows the rules but sometimes she just can't keep her mouth shut however there's other ways to stop her from talking isn't there. I have a few things in my mind." He gives my shoulder a squeeze.

I feel the tears building up in my eyes.


Cameron was stunned by the words that had come out of Elias's disgusting mouth.

Stunned but amused.

It seemed like everyone became amused at my expense.

I looked back to Kenna but she also seemed stunned.

I pushed against his arm.

"Let me go" I said my voice stronger than before.

He took one look at my face a flash of worry in his eyes and one blink and it was gone.

Yeah right like he could care.

He got up to let me out.

"How are you going to get home" JT asked.

"I'll manage" I said wiping my tears with the sleeve of my shirt.

"Kenna bring my bag for me tomorrow please" I said sniffling.

She nodded.

"Are you sure you don't want us to drop you off" JT said softly grabbing my arm as began to walk away.

I gave him a small smile "I'll be fine".

He slipped his hand off of my arm. I walked out the restaurant hugging myself.

The tears slipped out one after the other.

I began walking in the direction of the library.

The sun had almost fully set.

I stepped so hard on the pavement imagining Elias's face as I walked each step.

I was not to far from reaching the library when I heard a loud car pull up beside me.

I ignored the loud music coming from the car or the way it slowed down beside me and continued walking.

The car stopped beside me.

"HEY...YOU" Said a slurred voice.

I looked over and saw a girl sticking her body out the window of the car. She was talking to me.

"Yes ?" I said quietly.

What could she possibly want from me.

"You're Kenna's friend right ?" She says with a dumb smile on her face.

I was so beyond confused.

I looked further and saw a girl passed out. The guy driving the car was silent while the girl in the passenger seat seemed to be talking his ear off.

"Y- yeah" I said unsure.

"GET INNNNN" She yells her blonde hair flowing all over her face.

"We're headed to a party come onnn, it'll be fun" She says.

"Sorry but I haven no idea who you are." I said laughing a little at the gestures she was making to get me into the car.

" I'm Kenna''s friend from maple high I saw you two together the other day." She says her words barely audible. How much did she have to drink ?

"That's fine i'll pass" I said trying to sound as sweet as possible. Mentally urging the driver to get the hint.

I was not in the mood to got to a party considering what happened the last time and the uprising it sparked.

The girls mood seemed to have dimmed completely.

"Suit yourself" She says rudely. She flops back into place.

They drive off taking their loud and disturbing music with them.

That was odd...really odd

I continue walking and make it to the library grabbing my check. Mrs.Dane was nowhere in site.

I grabbed a post it thanking her and stuck it onto her desk and walked out fo the library.

Now to make the 10 minute walk home.

I sighed to myself because of how sore my body already was.

"Addy ?" I turned to find Kenna sitting next to JT sticking her head out the window.

I had never even heard them come up beside me. I never realized how easily I could get kidnapped.

Just another worry to my long list of worries.

"Kenna ?" I say

"Are you okay why are you walking this way ?" She asks worriedly.

"Oh nothing I just had to pick up something from the library and now I'm headed home."

JT offers the same worried expression his sister does.

The feeling of having someone who cares washes over me and it's like a breath of fresh air.

"Well come in we'll give you a ride home" Kenna says.

"No...its fine I like the walk" I said calmly.

"Nonsense get- actually wait..." She stops abruptly and turns to talk to JT about something.

I stand there awkwardly clutching my sleeve.

Kenna turns back to me and I lift my head up.

"Listen we're headed to this party and you should come..." She says waiting for my response.

The color drained from my face as I recalled all of the terrible memories of the last party I had attended.

"I don't know" I said unsure.

I really shouldn't go it was a school day and it probably wasn't the best idea to be partying.

I suddenly remembered the weird encounter I had with the girl from earlier.

Maybe it was the same party. It probably was.

I told Kenna about the encounter with the girl and she rolled her eyes.

"It was probably Maddie or Chloe or belle" She went on a rant about the annoying girls from maple high that only spoke to her to get closer to JT. I noticed how she almost mentioned Elias's name but didn't.

"Come on I promise it'll be fun" Kenna said pleading with me.

"I'll be there" JT chimed in.

He meant it in a way that no one would do anything if he was there.

I looked at the pair both had pulled the puppy dog eyes on me.

I rolled my eyes and then smiled.

"Fineeee" I said as I headed towards the backseat. I opened the car door and slipped my body into the red leather putting my seatbelt on.

"Yes!" The twins said at the same time.

What's the worst that can happen. I deserved to have a good time.

Nothing bad would happen to me.

Oh how wrong I was...

The Way We FellWhere stories live. Discover now