Ignore the dying man, let's get out of here!

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Hector's head whips around fast enough to give him whiplash.

"what are you doing? get up!" the scream hitting him straight on and a hard hold on his color yanks him upright. Beside him, June is breathing hard. Hector shakes her off guiding her hand back to the gun.
"aim with two hands will you?"
"you're really going to this here?!" she shouts fuming with anger.
"why dont you just take out a text bock and start grading me!" At June's feet lays the head guard his back firmly against the floor and a growing red puddle under him.
"damn," Hector thinks stretching out his hand toward June gripping her shoulder before he begins to move.
"you aim I'll walk us" he whispers as they slowly begin following the right sidewall. The four guards till standing do not attempt nearing them, not moving until the two have reached the other side of the hall.

Still aiming the pistol at them June watches as they begin backing up until they arrive at their captain's side one of them taking the puls of the man and then communicating something to the others. A knock on her shoulder makes her glance up meeting the polished mask of the commander. By the way his head is tilted slightly she can tell he's smirking at her from behind the blank metal.
"what?" she sneers turning her head back.
"give me the gun and get ready to leave"
"what's your plan here? the door is still locked remember" an amused huff makes her blood boil once again, the feeling of wanting to hit this guy has never been greater than right now. How can he laugh in a moment like this?
"the gun," he says reaching for the weapon taking it from her grip holstering it before turning and backing away from the wall.
"come here"
"what's your plan?"
 He takes her shoulders turning her around at the same time as he throws a glance back at the guard still on the other side of the room. Pointing at the ledge high up he offers his hands motioning for her to get closer. Planting a foot in his hold she barely gets a grip on the ledge before the support under her disappears and she's left hanging by herself
"you got to be kidding me" she curses struggling to get a better hold finally being able to roll to safety. Commander Dahl isn't far behind getting a running start up the wall clasping her outheld hand and managing to get up before sending them both tumbling down.

Back up on the second floor, they walk with confidence as to not warrant more attention than needed. Another turn and they're at where they entered from. While June stands guard around the corner Hector opens the window climbing out and retrieving the bag filled with spare clothes. calling out to June they enter a nearby room changing back into street clothes, the uniform mask Hector whares hidden in the shadow of his hood.

"Let's finally get out of here and go back" June sighs behind him pulling the zipper shut throwing her backpack over her shoulder. With the dark work uniform switched out for a regular pair of jeans and a white t-shirt, she looks almost like any other young girl in the city. Except the obvious red stone hanging around her neck. Lifting his own backpack Hector walks past her waving a hand to his neck
"that looks kinda suspicious dont you think so June?" She can probably hear the smile in his voice because while pushing past him she mutters about how the mask he wears is way more noticeable than a simple brigade ID. 

..... ..... .....

Thank you for reading!

If you found any mistakes in the spelling or have any other criticism I gladly take it in the comments

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