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The early glistening morning light protruded through the white blinds on my eyes, rudely interrupting my beauty. As I opened my eyes and came to my senses, I realized that there was a sticky note on my forehead.

Sweetie, dad and I are going on a business trip to Austria for two weeks for a important meeting involving Mr. Jefferson So please behave.

I rolled my eyes. There are always going somewhere, even when they are not on a important trip, they're always on their phones,doing business with clients or checking their emails on. I know I sound like I'm being overdramatic but, how would you feel when your own parents don't even do the bare minimum for their child like spend time with them or have a meaningful conversation or just say 'I love you' or 'I'm so proud of you'.

I checked my phone and it just turned 6:30 am. I got an hour and 10 minutes till the last day of school starts. I bolted out of my bed, but ended up falling and hurting my knees due to getting up too fast. I slowly got up and limped to the bathroom. I took my dark raven hair out of my messy bun and let in fall down to the middle of my back, I then took my white tank top and boxers off and hoped in the shower.

I turned off the water, grabbed my tower and quickly dried myself off. I grabbed a pair of black boxers, plain black round t-shirt, plain black skinny jeans and black Nike Cortez. I checked the time, and still got 30 minutes left- I blow dried my hair and brushed my teeth and put my hair in a bed-look messy bun. I then grabbed my light brown Jansport backpack and grabbed a apple and bolted out the door into the same shitty cold weather of Manchester

I feel like I've just ran a marathon, well technically I just ran a mile so yeah. I pushed open the school of a that is known to be religious, conservative and prestigious. I checked my phone and figured out I had 20 minutes until class starts. I walked down the plain-bleak white halls, ignoring the glares full of disgust and hatred and not so hushed whispers, " what a dy!e" ,"she-male", "go off yourself,shitface". Yeah,I hear the same shit literally everyday from all the assholes who pick on me, all because I was born a female with a dick, and how they'd found out was cause, Bethany, my ugly ass bully from first year, took a picture of me taking a piss in the girls loo and sent it to the whole school. And ever since then, this school became a living hell for me.

I was close to my locker, when a over-the-top faked tan leg was, coincidentally, placed in my path. Causing me to trip and bust my ass on the cold white floors.

After the fall, I try'ed to get up when a hard, blunt object collided near my spine, causing me so groan and fall back to the ground. I manage to kinda look up and see slutty pink high heels that a pair of crusty feet were strap in,and too-dark fake tanned legs. I then heard a obnoxious witchy laugh ring through my ears. Then, speak of the devil,Bethany crouched down with the horrendous laugh,  and gave me this devilish grin, showing off her yellow teeth in the process, "hello dy!e",she spat still showing off her butter-colored teeth, "I gonna miss beating your gay fagg-tty ass up, bitch!". She then kicked me literally everywhere all over my body, while, I tried getting up but the surprisinginly strong leg on my back kept me down. And believe it or not, the students walking down the hall were either watching this with amusement and satisfaction in their eyes or were just ignoring the beating like usual. I wanted to cry from the pain and the humiliation but I didn't want to look like a pussy and embarrass myself even more.

After what felt like hours, which was probably just 15 minutes, the beating stopped. " see you next year slut", And the 'ripped-off Barbies'  left me alone bruised and beat up on the school floors and walked down the hallways, cackling like madmen, while I laid on the cold floor.  And You know the unbelievable part about me getting beat up is?I don't even know half the people who bully me, at all.  I tried to get up and get my advanced calculus books, but I fell back down

And to make matters worse, while I was laying down  on the floor, some fat fucking asshole pulled down his trousers and sat on the back of my head,  and double dutch Oven on me and then he ran off laughing, then the fucking bell rang.

I decided I'm not going to class. I feel like shit, my body is aching, my head smells, and I just don't have the willpower to be dealing with this the rest of the day. I mean, do you blame me, after dealing with this for 3 years straight, that I can't deal with the bullying anymore. I'm so grateful  that tomorrow is summer vacation.

I slowly get up, and limped of the same boring doors of the school. I don't have to worry About skipping cause since I have extra credits from doing extra work-I don't really have to attend most much of my classes 'cause of it. I slowly walked the mile home and get my keys to open the door and I'm welcomed by deafening silence and the same feeling of loneliness. I huffed and took of my backpack and left it on the floor. I then walked upstairs to take a refreshing shower that helped with the stench of the deadly double Dutch oven and the aching of my body.

I then put on some grey sweat pants hang loosely around my waist showing some of my v-line and a white tank top. I ordered some nandos and went on Skype, I thought it would help with the loneliness but I thought wrong when, after 30 minutes of skipping guys with their small dicks out and old perverts, I decided to exit the website. As the mouse was on the exit browser, a beautiful girl with mysterious, enchanting brown eyes, cute pouty lips, and a dark complexion pop'd up on the screen. I froze, I know this sounds weird but, I always get intimidated by beautiful people, so I just looked like a fish out of water with my mouth opening and closing , trying to think of something cool to say to her but she beat me to it. "Er, hello." Her pearly white teeth subconsciously,tugged on her bottom lip. I was still frozen but I quickly pulled myself together. "Uh hello, I rubbed the back of my neck from my social anxiety , "my name is y/n."

"It's nice to meet you y/n",she giggled, " my name is Leigh-Anne."  I smiled, "cute name for a cute girl, she blushed, "so Leigh-Anne, how old are you?

And just like that we made small chat and took turns asking questions to get to know each other better for about thirty minutes 'till my doorbell ringed. "Oh my god, I forgot I ordered Nandos " I shyly laughed. "Oh I love nandos" .... Her demeanor suddenly changed from outgoing to shy. "Hey I know we've just met but how about we hangout and go to Nandos", her eyes darted everywhere besides the camera and her cheeks were a deep shade of red.

I actually thought I was dreaming so I pinched myself and I wasn't dreaming. " yes, absolutely. Can I have you're number so we can meet up." I can't help the jovial smile taking over my face right now.

"Yeah sure here it is ...." After we've exchanged numbers we hung up and I went to the open the door and see a 6ft tall dude by the name Aston(he was wearing a name tag) holding my food with a tired expression. I felt bad considering I ordered my food late and kept him up late. So when he gave me my food, I grabbed my wallet and tipped him 100 pounds ( since my parents are business people, we're quite rich)To say his expression was adorable was a understatement, his eyes started to water and his mouth was in a 'o' shape. He suprisingly hugged me and saying 'thank you's over and over. I hugged him back and after awhile we departed. I closed my door and headed upstairs In my room and under my navy blue bedsheets. I opened my laptop and started watching Ben Phillips pranks, while eating my nandos.

After I finished my dinner, I got up and went to the bathroom. I whipped my friend out and Aimed straight in the toilet. Afterwards I washed my hands and brushed my teeth, then did my face routine. And hit the sheets right when I was on the verge of 'going to the land of nod' I heard my phone 'ping' I checked it and it was a text message from a unknown number. " hey y/n, it's Leigh-Anne here. I now you're probably sleeping  so have good dreams. #hittinlicks."

Hmm, how odd. It's probably just a inside joke or slang, who knows. I tried going back to sleep but. I can't keep 'hittin licks' out of my mind what does it mean. Goddammit it's probably just me overthing. With that out of my mind I managed to go to sleep

Hopefully this was good. This is my first chapter ever so sorry if it sucks and 1533 words in this chapter.. Oh and I not gonna rush Into y/n meeting 5h cause I kind of want the storyline to make sense so I'm not gonna rush it. If you want to suggest me a story to do then please dm me on instagram. My username is duplicity76

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