"Why would you tell me that?" Christie giggled.

"Well, I just thought you ought to know." A mischievous smile warmed her lips as she opened the door further and began to walk out.

"WAIT!" Sir Ivan shouted. The woman turned around, showing no sign of the smile she previously wore

"What is this girl's name?"

"Kansas, Kansas CloudsDale." Enraged, Sir Ivan picked up a ceramic bowl and threw it at the wall. It smashed into a million pieces and through the closed door, Ivan heard a child start to cry.

"Good luck with the child." He heard Christie's voice echoed across the room as she left.


"Finnick, come back here!" The nanny chased the bright eyed seven year old boy long after she had lost her breath. Somehow, Finnick still had the energy to run. He ran down the hallways of the gigantic crystal castle he lived in with his father, Sir Ivan. Ivan was constantly working and since Finnick had no siblings , he had to get babysat by nannies. This wouldn't matter much, except for one, tiny detail. He despised nannies. His golden blonde hair bounced on top of his head as he ran down a hallway giggling.

Suddenly, he slammed into a large wooden door. He fell to the floor, grumbling and rubbing his head.

"Ouch!" He said, more in spite than of how the door hurt him. He looked up at the door and the black designs that covered it, the wood looked rotten as if it had been rotten decades before they made the door and yet it stood strong. Finnick had never seen it before.

"And I thought I've seen everything in this place." He muttered as he stood up again. He pushed against the large door. slowly it opened, revealing a room decorated with dark purple and black curtains, shelves, and a table in the middle. On the table were candles, glowing a dark shade of purple, animal skulls, and thick books with peculiar pictures on the cover. Curiosity getting the better of him, he walked over to a book laying open on the table. He read out loud to himself.

"Invisibility Curse. Place it on yourself to hide from enemies." He looked at the drawings next to the writing. They all seemed so... familiar to him. Almost as if he had seen them before. He peered around the room, hoping no one was there. Once he made sure he was alone, he held out his hand and repeated the instructions in the book.

"Hide me." He gasped as his body seemed to be disintegrating. Every speck -even his clothes- seemed to hide under a veil of invisibility. He quickly flipped through the pages of the book to find a spell to wash it all away. Once he found it, he quickly chanted what he hoped would reserve what he had done.

"Find me." Nervousness quickly subsided to relief as he saw himself appear again. As he slowly became whole, he jumped with joy, giddy that he had completed not just one, but two spells. He quickly and effortlessly completed two more spells; a fire spell, which made him hold a small blue spark of a flame in his hand for no more than two seconds, and a spell that made him sound exactly like other people. Finnick quickly lost track of time, and after mastering five spells, he checked the clock which told him that three hours had passed.

He closed the spell book and rushed for the door. as he did, he heard the door slowly start to creak open.. In a flurry of panic, he quickly administered the invisibility spell and stood near the window. He watched as his father, Sir Ivan, walked into the dimly lit room and closed the door, making sure there was no one watching him from the outside. Ivan then walked over to the table the books had been on and smashed his fist against the wood.

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