The prophecy that dooms us all

Start from the beginning

"Oh, about that ," he smirked. "He's got a trailer in the woods. Not much to report."

"What have you done to Bonnie, Damon?"

Stefan slammed Damon against the wall again.

"I did what you and Bonnie failed to do! Esther asked for blood, the blood of her demented children no less, and you trying to gentle arm the witch into getting Kol's blood wasn't working, Stefan!"

Using force was the only way to get anything done around there, and it frustrated Damon to no end that he was the only one who seemed to understand that. He shoved his younger brother off of him and stepped closer, eyeing him an inch away from his face.

"But thanks to me, we're one step closer to getting rid of the Originals."

"You fed on her, didn't you?" Stefan guessed.

Memories of when he force-fed himself the little witches blood seared through Damon. He would have loved to taste her blood again, though regretfully, that did not coincide with his plan.

Damon scoffed. "Sadly, no. I gave her a flesh wound so Kol could heal her. I'm not a fucking id-"

Stefan's eyes widened in shock and he attempted to flash out of the house but Damon caught him by the door. "What's the big deal, Stef?"

"I was given a prophecy. If Esther is successful in killing the Originals, we'll die too."


"Don't you get it? The Originals each originate a sire line. All vampires come from them. If they die, so do we . It's been prophesized, you dumb fuck!"

Stefan shoved his brother out of his way and sped out of the house. Upon reflection, Damon guessed, he was back a moment later watching Damon who still wore his dumbfounded expression.

"Oh, and we have an alliance with the Originals, at least until we figure this out." He sped away again.

"Stefan, wait," Damon called.

"I have to get to Bonnie's," was his brother's only reply.

Damon kept pace with the younger vampire, who filled him in along the way. Apparently, there was a dark prophecy underway. He wanted to get to the root of it and ease his brother's paranoia before it spread to the rest of the gang since Damon didn't believe in prophecies. He also figured he could play the hero and slip back into Elena's good graces since she was, after all, the queen of forgiveness.


Bonnie woke to the smell of sage in the air. She tasted blood in her mouth and heard voices murmuring nearby. Considering the debacle with her ancestors tormenting her at her meeting with Kol and the flavor of blood still on her tongue, she silently reached for her magic. Bonnie was unsure of how long she'd been out and couldn't be sure where or when she'd land as she'd dreamed of even further torment at the hands of her ancestors. She wanted to prepare herself. Only, there was nothing there. Her eyes snapped open and she recognized the interior of her living room.

Taking a deep breath, Bonnie looked down to survey the damage that had been inflicted on her, but surprisingly there was none. She felt all over her arms and stomach and there were no scars of the lacerations previously inflicted. Not even Damon's gash was present. The only thing that was different was what looked like a charm bracelet she'd never before laid eyes upon. She decided that as long as she was sentient, she wouldn't complain. It was likely protecting her from her angry ancestors. The hushed voices she heard stopped as footsteps came closer, Abby and Elena coming into view.

"Bonnie, Abby called me when you were out. She filled me in. How do you feel?" Elena queried.

"I feel completely fine," Bonnie admitted. "There's not a scratch on me, not even Damon's gash."

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