"I'll send help," Ethan tells Zoe.
"Don't bother! There won't be anyone left to help." Zoe tells him.

You sat there hugging your arms as you let your hair cover your face as you silently cried for Zoe's situation and why this could possibly happen, even if you tried to remember what happened before finding yourself on the Baker estate you couldn't remember anything much.

The ride through the waters was a silent one before Ethan looked towards his wife and finally wanted to get some answers that she had been putting off until then. So he simply began asking her. But first, you decided to speak up.

"Ethan, thank you." You thanked him.
"Who the hell else was I going to choose?" Ethan replied.
"Ethan..." You replied horrified by that response then looked away.
"What's this...BSAA thing you know so much about?" Ethan asked after a moment.
"It's...It's an organization that I actually have been working for this entire time. I'm sorry I lied to you but with how dangerous it was I didn't want you to get involved but...now look where we are." You explained.
"So you were never researching things? If not then why were you overseas?" Ethan asked.
"I'm one of the BSAA's top undercover agents...why I'm here? I...don't know anymore my mind is completely blank as of right now." You replied.
"(Y/N), I know you've been through a lot but we still need to talk...You had something to do with all this, didn't you? Look I just want to know the truth." Ethan asked.
"No! The BSAA is always there to prevent such attacks or even deal with them so no one has to suffer...at least not suffer like we do while fighting BOW's on a constant basis...but mostly we want to make sure the people who started this gets put to justice because this is just horrible...that's the truth!" You explained.

To you, though it felt like it was all your fault considering you were to prevent this from even happening, all those lives who were lost and the lives you must've taken while under Eveline's influence weight on your mind. This was a lot heavier than the past events when you battled the BOW's.

Ethan could see it was weighing on you quite harshly so he decided to try not to bring it up anymore for now. But even so, he wanted to know the entire story and would need more answers when you were ready to talk about it which he knew would be later once everything was done and finished considering he could tell your guard was still up. Clearly, you were more experienced with stuff like this so obviously you weren't lying to him when speaking of this BSAA organization you worked for this whole time.

When the boat both of you were on came to a clearing the large boat that suddenly disappeared along with you and many other passengers was in clear view, that's when the two of you were attacked by some molded under the waters as it sent both of you flying up and into the waters knocking both of you out for the time being.

"Mommy. This way." A little girl's voice whispered into your ear.

You coughed as you slowly began to wake up and groaned as you pushed yourself up to your feet, your body aced all over the place but you still pushed yourself to look for Ethan as he wasn't around you for now. Confused as to who that girl was and why the hell she called you 'mommy' you searched around the place.

Since now you were at the area where broken parts of what looked like to be of the ship were you carefully made your way around the place to avoid getting cut or anything at all since you weren't sure how long this was here and didn't want to possibly get infected by something. But even so, finding Ethan was your first priority as you looked.

"How?...Ethan!" You muttered as you continued forward.

Finding Ethan wasn't much of the problem as you rushed to his side worriedly but quickly and gently shook him to get him to wait up along with calling his name hoping he could hear you. But what horrified you, even more, was as soon some of the mold began to wrap itself around Ethan and dragged him away, you called after him but only could see through a bit of the metal all around you where it was possibly taking him.

Ashes - Resident Evil 7 [Ethan Winters x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now