chapter 1

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Yohaness mansion..
Morning 9am

It's an regular morning in yohaness mansion everyone is sitting in the dining table having there breakfast, Caleb is sipping his coffee, while reading newspaper, as for the twins they are bickering for the same piece of apple, it's not like there's only one piece of apple hell no the whole dinning table is full with fruits nd there favourite breakfast but no they didn't want tht. they both want only tht one piece for which they are fighting.. grace nd Caleb is eating their breakfast without minding there bickering as it's there daily routine..

Aiden : eth I'am telling you tht piece is mine leave it..

Aiden said glaring at him with his warning glare, he tried to pick tht apple peices with his fork, but ethan stop him by stabbing his fork in the same apple, now two forks nd one apple..

Ethan : in your dreams, I'll leave it in your dreams addy..

Ethan said with an scoff..

Aiden : Don't forget iam elder then you so I'll eat it..

Aiden said nd drag tht apple peices towards him by the fork

Ethan : oh really, As long as i remember we are twins aren't we ..

Now Ethan drag the piece towards him, they are having there own apple and fork fight.

Aiden : Yeah we are.. but iam few seconds elder than you..

He drag tht piece towards him

Ethan : Nd how do you know these..

He drag back the piece towards him, while glaring at Aiden with his deadly glare, like it's the last piece of apple present in the whole world nd he'll die if he'll not eat it.. they both are challenging each other by there stares..

Aiden : huh.... Coz i know these i can feel it..

Aiden said with an scoff

Ethan : Yeah i can also feel tht these piece is mine.

There staring nd dragging game keep going on nd on until..

Grace : czar baby you woke up..

As soon as they hear it, there expression change in an second, they left there fork with apple for which they were having World war few minutes ago. tht poor apple is already forgotten, they both turn there head with a wide smile..

Good morning buttercup..

They both said in unison, but as soon as they turn around there's no one, only a maid holding a tray full of pancakes, tht maid give them an awkward smile.. Ethan's smile vanished nd he come back to his pocker face, they get tht they have been trick..
They turn back to the person who trick them, then they saw there sweet sister in law is eating the piece of apple for which they are having a world war few minutes ago.. they look at the plate which once upon containing a piece of apple but now it's empty.

Grace tht not fair it's cheating..

They both said in unison nd cross there hands in front of there chest offendedly.. yeah they call her grace it's true tht grace is there sister- in-law nd also elder than them but, as they were together since there childhood nd grace always told them to treat her like there friend, she wants to become there friend instead of an controlling elder..

Grace : problem solve, now eat..

She said with an smirk..

Aiden nd ethan again face eachother with the same glaring..

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