" How about we head to the office now ? " One of the Teachers asked him, He nodded his head so all of them walked in the office together.

While they're on their way to the office the bell rings signaling that morning class will start now, but since all the teachers are called in the office because the founder of the school come.

There are no classes in the morning and was said to the students to just spent the time inside the school or around but making sure no one will do some trouble.

" Im flattered that you would congratulate me so much " Director Park said at them with a wide smile as they all started discussing some concerned topics about the school and some random situations regarding the school.

Walking calmly away from the classroom, you ignored the students who've been whispering and mumbling something about you, you don't know if it's good or bad but you don't care at all.

Approaching the stairs that leads through the rooftop, you take a glance around you checking if some students are around, that will see you and you're glad there's none.

You run upstairs and open the rooftop door revealing you your favorite place.

Walking on the left edge of the rooftop you saw a black car parked from below and you think that the person who owns it, is the person that the teachers with.

Looking at the vases beside you, you checked the distance of the car from the rooftop and it's not that far.

Grabbing the vase, you move away at the edge brick of the rooftop and without thinking twice you throw the vase without hesitation as you wait for the breaking sound to know if you hit the car.

While the students are busy doing what they want, and while the teachers are busy talking with the Director Park.

A sudden loud thud was heard outside the school.

The students that are near the place where the sound came from heard it quickly, even the students who are in their own rooms heard it as they take a peak on the window to see what is it.

" Isn't that the director's car ? "

" What happened ? "

" Where did that came from "

" I think someone threw it "

" That's crazy, who would throw that "

The students started whispering.

The Teachers rush outside the building and look on where the sound came from and once they leave inside the school, they saw the car already have a broken vase on its front view.

" Who is it ? "

" Someone threw it ? "

" Who would do that ? "

The students around the teachers started whispering.

As the Director followed the teachers leaving inside the school, he was shocked when he saw his own car broken.

" Who saw this fall ? " The Principal of the school asked the students beside him.

" we didn't see "

" we came out after we heard it "

Two of them answered and the other students beside them agreed.

" You really didn't see anything ? " The principal asked them again and they all shaked their heads.

Realizing that the Director is already with them, they look at his direction. " I need to see who did it " He spoke.

" Teachers "

" find out who did it and bring that person to me " He continued and the teachers nodded their head at him.

" Let's discuss this later, and How about we wrap up our meeting ? " The director asked them.

" Ofcourse Director, let's go back inside we'll take care of it after the meeting " The Principal said at him, as all the teachers walk back inside the school telling the other students to go back to their classrooms too.

The time that you we're about to leave the rooftop after getting satisfied hearing the breaking sound, you didn't notice and expect that someone is also in the rooftop.

" Why did you do that ? " Minju asked you.


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