Extra: Back to the Grindstone

Start from the beginning

Maybe they're not home? I guessed. If not, thank God.

Of course, the universe just wanted to tease, for in the next moment, the door swung open, revealing a slim teenage girl of modest height and fair skin. A shade of electric yellow flourished in both her tousled hair and vivacious eyes. For an outfit, she wore a cargo jacket and shorts, both black.

In her hands was a Nintendo Switch.

"Hello," the girl said.

"What's goin' on?" Lucky replied, leading with his "cool guy" facade.

Kill me.

"Um," I tried, "is Mr. Creator here?"

"Yeah! We wanna talk to him!" L puffed up his chest.

Needless to say, the girl was unimpressed.

"I take it you're creations," she said. "Come inside."

She retreated back into the apartment, and we followed, taking our shoes off (in my case, anyways).

The girl led us through the average-looking space, past the kitchen and living room to arrive at a modest-sized bedroom.

There, Lucky and I spotted a young man—likely in his early twenties—seated at a desk. He kept his eyes glued to a computer monitor, his hands dancing across a gaming controller as headphones covered his ears.

On the screen, he appeared to be playing as a samurai, his katana slashing through a ginormous, majestic deer.

"Come on . . ." he said. "Just a few more hits."


His character got whacked, prompting the message YOU DIED to flash on the screen.

The young man sighed, leaning back in his gaming chair. "So close . . ."

"Busy, huh?" Lucky whispered to me.

I poked him in the ribs.

The girl approached the gamer, tapping him on the shoulder.

"Master," she said once he had removed his headphones, "you have visitors."

The young man turned to face us, and I nearly shuddered at the defined bags under his eyes. Still, he managed to smile.

"Oh, my," he said. "Hello there."

"You the creator?" Lucky hissed.

"Depends. As in the person who created you as a character—no. As in your love story, though—yes."


My boyfriend stomped forward, his axe at the ready.

"Lucky," I said. "Relax."

He ignored me.

"I got a bone to pick with—"


At once, a spear of golden lightning erupted beside L, missing his body by mere inches.

"I suggest you calm down," the girl ordered, her eyes glowing.

Surprisingly, Lucky understood, backing down.

Mr. Creator tapped his aide on the back. "It's okay, Volectra. I'm sure they mean no harm."

Just like that, the girl erased the vicious electricity, going back to playing on her Switch.

The creator then focused back on us. "How can I help you?"

"We, um . . ." My boyfriend had apparently forgotten how to string syllables together.

"We were just curious as to why you haven't updated our story," I explained. "It's already been two weeks. Not that you owe us anything! In fact, we're grateful! It's just, you know . . ." Apparently I had also forgotten how to string syllables together.

Mr. Creator smiled shyly. "Sorry about that. I was working on Agatha's story, so I had to put yours on hold. We're good to go now, though."

"No offense," L said, "but you're playing a video game right now. Doesn't look like you're that backed up."

"Oh, this." Mr. Creator pointed to his monitor. "Elden Ring. Got it this morning and have been hooked. Since I just finished another episode for Agatha, I figured I deserve a little break."

Wait. This morning?

"If you got it this morning," I noted, "why do you have bags under your eyes?"

"I was writing."

I gaped. "You were writing that late?"

Mr. Creator shrugged. "Can't make my dream come true otherwise."

I lowered my chin.

"Now, now, don't look so down." The young man rose to his feet. "This isn't about me; it's about you guys. I should be starting your next episode here soon, and hopefully, I can finish in a timely manner."

"You . . . You better," my boyfriend warned, albeit weakly.

"Of course, of course." Mr. Creator beamed. "I'll try not to disappoint! That being said, I wish you guys good luck."

I furrowed my brow. "What do you mean by that?"

"You'll understand soon enough."

My intestines twisted into knots, anxious as to how the creator would mold our destinies. 

My Bunny Boyfriend Can't Possibly Be This Cute! (Lucky x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now