So You're Back Dad

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"So you two," my dad started as we sat down to eat. "How's high school?"

"Nyx is top of every class as she should be. And she puts up with Scott and I all the time so she deserves an award for that." Stiles grinned grabbing some pizza.

"I'm sure the three of you get into enough trouble." Dad laughed. "Your mother and I did."

"Oh dad, you have no idea. Maybe one of these days after school we can go visit her." I offered giving him a smile, knowing how hard my moms death had been on him.

"Yeah, that would be nice. I'd like that. So Beacon Hills? What kind of other worldly things have been happening?"

I looked absolutely dumbfounded at him as I heard Stiles sputter and cough for a moment before he could talk. "You know?"

"Of course. Her mom was a witch that's not exactly something that you can just hide. Besides you didn't think your old dad wasn't supernatural did you?" He winked.

"You are?" I asked curious and confused.

"Yeah. A Phoenix. Don't worry kid, I'm gonna tell you all about it."

"So what's a, what's a Phoenix?" Stiles asked quickly swallowing the pizza he had in his mouth.

"Depending on the type of Phoenix, there are several different kinds. The most powerful and the rarest of them all is called a celestial Phoenix, but one of those hasn't been heard of in several hundred thousand years. You have a dark Phoenix, light Phoenix, and a neutral Phoenix. They all get a bad rep, but a dark Phoenix can be a little more dangerous, without meaning to be. I'm a neutral Phoenix, we try to keep it as balanced as possible."

"That's so cool. Nyx your dad is so cool," Stiles grinned looking between the two of us.

"So how do you tell them apart?" I asked curious about what my father was.

"Wings. Dark has black wings; light has white wings and neutral has grey wings."

"What about a celestial Phoenix?" I asked.

"We'll I can't tell you for sure, but legends say they're wings burned like fire. The wingspan was said to be huge, a Phoenix has large wings anyway, but there's were said to be bigger than a house. If any are still alive, they have to be hiding. And if a Phoenix doesn't want to be found, they won't be." He told us.


"Really. I'll teach you some things."

"That would be awesome!"

"Great. I should let you two finish studying." He told me as he finished eating.

We headed back up towards my room, and I shut the door behind us. I let out a groan and rolled my eyes.

"One day without being interrupted, that's all I'm asking for." I said before Stiles wrapped his arms around my lower back pulling me into his chest.

"It could have been a lot worse." He grinned at me. "We could have been in the middle of having sex when he walked in."

I couldn't stop the laugh that tumbled out of me as he said that. "That's very true. Let's go to bed yeah?" I smiled up at him.

"I couldn't agree more with that." He smiled before kissing me.

"I'll be right back." I grinned softly kissing him one more time before I pulled away.

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