Not A Hot Girl? Danny's The Best

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Lydia, annoyed by his rudeness, grabs the fork out of his hand, while Stiles, taking a drink from his own water bottle, rolls his eyes and gesticulates wildly with his hand, not liking his friend being disparaged like that. Lydia ignores Jackson and continues planning their date like he hasn't spoken.

"How 'bout bowling? You love to bowl."

Stiles shoves a french fry into his mouth and tries to get Scott's attention, shaking his head wildly as if to communicate that Scott needs to put the brakes on this plan as soon as possible. Jackson scoffs in annoyance.

"Yeah, with actual competition." Jackson scoffs still glaring at me.

Allison, now offended on behalf of her and Scott, speaks up, trying to keep her tone of voice friendly. "How do you know we're not "actual competition?""

Allison turns to Scott and asks, " You can bowl, right?"

Scott shrugs and replies uneasily. "Sort of..."

Jackson gives Scott a pointed look and responds in a patronizing tone of voice. "Is it-is it "sort of," or "yes?""

Scott clearly doesn't want to be shown up by Jackson or made to feel any more inferior than he already is, so he lies instead.

"Yes." Scott straightens his back to appear more confident. "In fact, I'm a great bowler."

We are walking down the stairs from our last class. Stiles, obviously still appalled by what he just witnessed in the cafeteria, is loudly berating Scott for what he is now planning to do.

"You're a terrible bowler!"

Scott groans, agreeing with Stiles' assessment. "I know! I'm such an idiot."

Stiles continues ranting despite Scott's obvious discomfort. "God, it was like watching a car wreck. I mean, first, it turned into the whole group-date thing, and the out of nowhere comes that phrase--"

Scott rolls his eyes so hard he throws his head back, nodding."Hang out."

Stiles continues to gesticulate with his hands as he speaks. "You don't "hang out" with hot girls, okay? It's like death. Once it's "hanging out," you might as well be her gay best friend. You and Danny can start hanging out."

Scott groans again before he speaks. "How is this happening? I either killed a guy, or I didn't."

"First of all you're a terrible bowler because you think about it too much. Secondly, are you saying I'm not a hot girl?" I asked grabbing both of their attentions. "Thirdly, what's so wrong with hanging out with Danny?"

They both stared at me like a deer in the headlights before Scott cleared his throat.

"Well, how do I not think about bowling then? Nothing is wrong with hanging out with Danny." He shot Stiles a look but I decided to ignore it for now at least.

"You just relax have fun!"

Stiles is suddenly distracted by the mention of Danny and starts going off on a tangent, completely ignoring Scott's anxious train of thought, and I think purposely ignoring my questions.

"I don't think Danny likes me very much..."

Scott, just like Stiles, ignores him in favor of continuing to worry about his own predicament. "I ask Allison on a date, and now we're "hanging out...""

"Am I not attractive to gay guys?"

"I make first line, and the team captain wants to destroy me, and now..."  Scott looks at his phone and sighs when he sees the time. "Now I'm gonna be late for work."

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