Who? What? Where? When and Why?

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Noises, there were noises everywhere. 

A steady hum of a machine, breathing of people, footsteps of something more than human. There's a heat in the room, my skin felt too dry and wet at the same time. I was in an odd position, my back was bent at an angle and I could already feel the knots in my neck. It was too much all at once, my head felt a thousand miles away. I couldn't focus on anything, and I couldn't open my eyes. 

'What the fuck happened?'

I can remember an asshat trying to rape someone and me, then there was the clicking and the scratching. It chased me to the park, then… what? Everything goes blank. If I could feel the comfort of my bed I would've thought it was a nightmare, but there was just too much noise, too many different breaths, too much everything!

The footsteps came closer, they were lighter, calmer than the chase before. It lifted me from under my armpits. I felt my blood pumping better now that I was more upright, I felt my fingers tingle, and wiggled my toes to see if they still worked. I was being moved, there was a swaying to the way I was carried, and I felt a small drop in temperature as my back was placed against something. There was clicking now, low and in short bursts; Muttering?

My face felt fuzzy as I tried to open my eyes. The thing was pressing my shoulders to the metal trying to keep me up as something was tied around my wrist. It was then that my eyes opened, and I couldn't believe what they saw.

The room was bathed in a low red light, sleeping people lined the walls, and before me stood my captor. It was huge! Turned away, hunched over fiddling with my wrist, and as I focused I saw its reptilian-like skin under a mesh of some sort. The skin was a dark purple, but here and there I saw splocthes of a light tan. It was clad in armor, some of it mixed matched, yet everything flew together like it was meant to be. Whether it was because of my loopy state or not I couldn't help but admire the design. The metals were smooth and futuristic but it was decorated with simple paints, rocks, and bones giving it a primal feel. It's mask came into view and just the same, the futuristic metal was decorated with primitive items. Horns gilded with a strange metal decorated the crown of the deep purple mask, there was a large dent off to the right. With all of the armor in view and seeing the way their body was it was impossible not to think that it was…

"Beautiful" Shit! Did I say that out loud? The mask snapped up to look at me, yep definitely said it out loud. I had no strength to try and move, or even struggle but I didn't have too as my brain decided that now was a good time to black out! My vision went dark around the edges again as the thing stared at me unmoving.

》Veta pov《

Ayull walked back from the cargo hold, he was agitated. Stomping as he walked, mumbling, huffing and puffing, oh yeah something was bothering him. He glanced up at me as he passed by, patting my crown he stilled and took a breath. 

"Are you sure you gave that "brave 'ooman" enough of the sedative?" Ayull questioned. Of course he'd ask about them, Ayull is selective about his hunts, he prefers to observe the prey first then collect. But he didn't see what me and Bahtoh saw last night, that brave little 'ooman clearly out matched and still coming out on top! They were a prey worth pursuing.

"Yes; why?" The masks used to knock out potential prey are specifically calculated to ensure they don't wake up. Though we did have more prey than usual.

"They woke while I was preparing them to drop." Ayull visibly shook something from his mind, glancing back at me, " Sorry to have questioned you, it was probably just a mask malfunction."

He patted my crown again as he turned to leave. Something was bothering him, it could just be that the 'ooman woke up, but he seems so confused, and frustrated. Perhaps he saw in the 'ooman what me and Bahtoh did, or he discovered something new. Either way this hunt is sure to be entertaining, the test worthwhile, with the extra humans, and new participants there is a guarantee of fun times ahead. 

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