Chapter 28

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Yujin and Chaeryeong went out to Lee's House at the same time. They were both standing next to the door of their cars. Chaeryeong looked at Yujin who was already opening the driver seat door and she called Yujin.

"Yujin" she called and Yujin turned to her

"You know what you're going to do" She said and Yujin nodded

"Thank you, Unnie" Yujin said and Chaeryeong smiled

"I'll go first, I still have business to finish. When I fix my business, you don't have to worry anymore." Chaeryeong said and got in her car. She opened her car window and spoke.

"You should treat me, I won't do it without replacement" She said and smiled, Yujin chuckled.

"Okay" after Yujin said that Chaeryeong left. Yujin also got in her car and left Lee Residence too.

Chaeryeong parked her car on the parking lot of Hwang Residence after the guard opened the gate. She got out of the car and went inside. She did not knock on the Main door because she was welcome in the house of the hwangs and they knew she was coming so she entered immediately. When she entered she saw Hyunjin coming down the stairs and she greeted him.

"Hello, Mr. Hwang Hyunjin" Hyunjin looked at her and Chaeryeong saw that Hyunjin was gulped nervously and she gave Hyunjin a smirk.

"H..hi Chaeryeong ah.." He nervously greeted and Chaeryeong cross her arms.

"Can we talk, Mr. Hwang Hyunjin?" She asked and Hyunjin nervous nodded

After Chaeryeong and Hyunjin talked, they both went to the Dining Room. When the two of them arrived, Chaeryeong saw Yeji and the parents of the two, who were already sitting in the chair. Hyunjin looked at them.

"You must have taught your friend a lesson, Chaeryeong ah" Seulgi, Their father said and Chaeryeong nodded and smiled

"Yes, Uncle and we both talked and he followed what I wanted him to do. He promised that he would change and that he would stop their bet games and pranks. and he also promised that he will study hard to have high grades" Hyunjin turned pale at what Chaeryeong said. While Chaeryeong and Yeji were laughing inside.

"Oh really? That's good, just make sure, Hyunjin that you keep your promises otherwise, I'll send you to your grandfather's house" Irene, Their mother said and Hyunjin seemed weakened by what they said and he seemed to faint.

"You're both in the same department. It's up to you to watch and look at him, Chaer. Tell me if he's doing something stupid again and I'll report him to Mom and Dad right away" Yeji said

"I'll take care of it and your brother should be punished and since you are a member of the Student Council, why don't you give him" Chaeryeong said

"What? Wait, that's too much!" Hyunjin complained

"Actually with the amount of report, you really need to be punished" Yeji said and she looked at her parents

"Mom, Dad, can you suggest a punishment?" She asked and her Mother answered

"Give him a punishment for 1 month that he will cleaning the Restroom of their Department and there must be a video of him doing that" Hyunjin's eyes widened

"Mom!" He said

"Why? Your sister asked for a suggestion and That's the punishment I thought so you can't do anything" His Mom said and they all laughed except Hyunjin because of his reaction.

"Oh What's up and you're all laughing?" Asked by a woman who had just arrived, they all looked at her and the two siblings looked at Chaeryeong who froze

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