"What's wrong?"

"Aren't the maids going to eat too?"

"No worries, there are some food left in the pot and if they ran out, they can cook their own food. Let's go . . ."

He jumped off the counter and walk towards the room and it is still unusual how he is used to just enter my room like his own when I gave him the other room for himself.

When he entered the room, he immediately settled on one side of the bed and snuggled in my blankets.

"Jay hyung, you smell nice . ."

I was immediately taken aback by what he said but his reaction really got me. He just look at me with such innocence and a soft smile on his face as he asked me the question.

"Will you be sleeping there now? Don't you like the room I gave you?"

"Its pretty but I like here more because you're here. I'm kinda scared to be alone. But if you're not alright with me sleeping on your bed, I can sleep on your couch"

"No . . I mean, are you sure you want to sleep next to me?"

"Yeah. . . . I feel at ease. . don't you want me here? Be honest"

"Ok I'm just not used to someone sleeping beside me. . BUT . . if you want to then I can get used to it"

"Oh . . I'm sorry . . I think I'm crossing some lines here"

He slowly removed the blanket and was about to get out the bed but my body moved on its own and grab him by the waist before laying down taking him with me. I place his head on my arm before I place the Blanket over us.

I didn't even say good night and he's already in deep sleep. I then turned off my bedside lamp and pulled him closer as I close my eyes with my nose filled with his fresh scent.

The next morning, I woke up with the sun glaring on my eyes and my side empty.

I sat up, wiping my eyes before looking around and my eyes landed on Jungwon who just entered the door with a tray on his hand.

Wait, is he all dressed up?
What time did he wake up?

"Jay hyung, I made you breakfast. Although I don't know if I cooked them right but I tried and one of the maids told me what to do. And you don't have to worry about me because I already ate and I also washed up and I am now ready to go. ."

He's that excited I see.

I smiled at how he's glowing as he place the tray in front of me and sat on my bed as he anticipated for my reaction.

"Oh and Good morning"

"Good morning. ."

I gave him a smile and he widen his eyes yet again. He's really not used to my face like this.

The breakfast he gave me is just your normal pancakes and scrambled eggs with some water. Although I would love to have some rice as breakfast but this will do. I mean, we're gonna go and stuff ourselves with food soon anyway.

When I cut open the pancakes, I saw how it is a bit orange in color.

"I hope you don't mind but aunt Mira helped me make them. Oh and I blended some carrots and added them in the pancakes. But if you don't like, you can have the eggs, they're not infused with carrots"

It makes sense. Since he made the pancakes, he won't miss to add carrots. Plus, aunt Mira is known in here to be an expert at adding vegetables in normal dishes like pancakes.

"Don't worry about it. . . it's good"

I ate the whole meal before he excitedly handed me the glass of water even if I can just pick it up.

"Aunt Mira said that this is what people who adores each other do"

I almost spat out my drink but I just drank it anyway causing the water to enter the wrong pipe and then I began to cough.

What the heck did Aunt Mira tell him?

"What else did Aunt Mira tell you?"

"Well she also told me that I look like your boyfriend and that we're cute together. . what's a boyfriend Jay hyung?"

I literally froze at that moment when he asked me the question and I made a mental note to not let him talk to aunt Mira again. Just kidding but yeah.

"Boyfriends are two people who are close and who love each other"

I hope he won't ask anymore.

"Well then we're boyfriends"

"Do you even know what love is? . . you know what, never mind, let me just get ready and we'll get going. And bring these back in the kitchen"

"Say please"


"Well if you're asking me to do something for you, be polite at least"

He bit his bottom lip as he fiddles with his fingers as if he's nervous about what he just said.

Maybe I came out too rude for him to handle. Should I practice being gentle? Wait, why should I?


A small smile appeared on his face before he picked up the tray and walked out the room.

I then entered the shower as I re think about my life choices recently. I mean, it felt weird for me to be acting all caring and sweet towards Jungwon since all my life since Hena died, I have been always cruel and selfish as my dad always say, "In a selfish world, the selfish succeed". Ever since I met Jungwon, I haven't been like that towards him.

I don't know if he's doing a good effect on me or if I should just not be affected but all in all, I'm just feeling more fulfilled seeing him happy than seeing zeros pile up my bank account.

What's wrong with me?

Everything is moving fast I see.

The Value of Tears (En- JayWon) ✔Where stories live. Discover now