Chapter 3: Responsibilities

Start from the beginning

"Being the main one affected by your offense, I also have to participate in this fight along with my queen"

"We don't object to your participation" Lavender said solemnly. "But we doubt your ability to play it. We have never heard of a warrior pill bug"

"It wasn't just because of my pretty face that Hornet chose me as her mate" He answered confidently.

That answer seemed to satisfy the mantis, because they jumped off their thrones ready to fight... or at least two of them did.

"Orchid!" The older sister shouted. "What the hell are you doing?"

The younger sister suddenly woke up from her reveries and looked down in shame with her red face. Again she had let her mind pay more attention to Hollow than to the meeting. Why was it so difficult to resist the charms of that bug? Just looking at him was already a delight, but she didn't have time for that. They required her presence.

The truth she was not very aware of the situation, but seeing her sisters on the mainland with their weapons was enough to know what she had to do. She joined them and waited to see what happened.

"Choose your judge spider" Lavender as always took the lead in regards to official things.

Hornet turned her gaze to the servant spiders she had brought with her, but she was interrupted by Hollow's signs trying to get her attention.


"No Hollow, you don't serve to be a judge"

The mantis blinked in surprise, the queen could understand the silent knight. They always thought that he could not speak, it never occurred to them that he simply had another form of communication. Although it was difficult to deduce it. In all their previous encounters he had never done anything but look at them penetratingly. Did that mean anything in particular? Anyway they had to admit that with his sister nearby, Hollow seemed much more communicative. Would he be a shy guy?

Orchid looked at the crossbreed with envy. She wish she could understand the knight too. With a more fluid dialogue, maybe she could convince him to go with her to some nice corner of Fungal Wastes and do... Many things they was not supposed to do...

The mantis hit her face trying to remove those shameful thoughts, that behavior of course caught her sisters' attention.

"Today you are very strange Orchid" Lily looked at her with concern.

"I'm fine, don't worry"

"Focus on the battle, don't make us look ashamed" If she hadn't known her for a lifetime, Orchid would have been angry. But she already knew that her sister had that acid and impertinent personality, there was no point in arguing with her.

"I designate Ania as my judge" Hornet announced.

The mentioned spider stepped forward and made a respectful bow.

"It will be an honor" she said in a squeaky voice.

Lavender then looked around at the members of her tribe present, trying to decide who was the fittest. Until she finally decided on one that stood out for being extremely observant.

"Chris, I designate you as our judge."

"I am honored by your choice" the insect replied also with a bow.

Both teams were placed on different sides of the battle arena, and the judges aside to observe the combat. According to the law that governed these duels, they should have a judge of each team to make everything more transparent. Once everything was ready, both bugs gave authorization to start the fight.

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